Chapter 3

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           I woke up to the smell of bacon and my mom’s loud laughter. I smiled as I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. When I was done I pulled on a baggy gray sweater with some black leggings and a white polka dotted navy scarf as an accessory. I brushed my teeth and ran my fingers through my hair and walked downstairs.

“Morning mom, morning dad,” I smile at them as they cook breakfast together.

“Hey sweetie,” my dad smiles at me as he flips a pancake and I laugh as he stared in amazement.

“How’d you sleep?” he asked.

           When he said that, I remembered everything from last night but I couldn’t stop thinking about William and my heart raced, I smiled but then I thought of Luke and that bone crushing guilt hit me again.

“Okay,” I said quietly as I look at my hands.

“So honey, you going to the pack house today?” my mom asks with a huge smile.

“Maybe,” I sigh as I leaned my head on my hands.

“You should be excited---“

“Mom I told you that I didn’t like him,” I lied.

“Yeah well you should now, he’s your mate, made to be with you and didn’t you kiss him last night?” my dad choked and stared at me.

“How did you know that?” I asked.

“You kissed him?” my dad asks astonished.

“Dad, calm down, and yes I did but I didn’t want to, well yeah I did, its complicated to explain,” I growled rolling my eyes.

“Its okay sweetheart don’t fight the bond you’ll be as happy as your father and I,” my mom tried to convince me. 

“I highly doubt that,” I sigh as my dad puts a plate of pancakes in front of me, I ate in silence as I watched my parents be all lovey dovey. 

There was a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it,” I said as I quickly got up and walked to the door to come face to face with Katy and Jake.

“Hey Mr. and Mrs. W---“

“Please, you’re our son’s mate call us by our first names,” Katy smiles as she hugs me and I smile back.

“Speaking of our son looks like you two hit it off last night,” Katy raised her eyebrows suggestively and I blushed did he tell everyone about the kiss.

“Next time though try not to keep him out too late from his party,” Jake said and I turned redder, he told them, they knew what happened in the woods.

“Where is he anyway?” I asked still embarrassed, they laughed as if I was asking a rhetorical question.

“He was so tired this morning he had to sleep in,” Jake smirked at me as if he knew something I didn’t I ignored it and followed behind them into the kitchen.

“Layla, how’re you?” Katy smiled at my mom.

“Yay, you’re here early?” my mom looked excited, my dad and Jake groaned and rolled there eyes.

“You too?” Jake asked my dad and he smiled and nodded.

“Well, we’re going to leave you girls to it and watch some sports or something,” my dad said as he kissed me on the forehead and left with the Alpha leaving me alone with these smiling women.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Duh, we’re starting the wedding plans!” they squealed, I looked at them horrified.

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