Chapter 6

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*Selene's POV*

I froze my heart breaking as I watched William pull on his shirt angrily and storm out of my room. I could hear the faint purr of his bike as he sped down the street. I got up and pulled on my shirt attempting to walk passed Luke but he just growled and bit down hard on my top. I looked down at Luke's dark wolf but I felt nothing but a hard ache in my chest and I didn't know whether it was because I was betrayed by my mate or if it was because William left so angrily. I pulled my shirt from his teeth hearing it tear and turned around on my way to walk after William, I couldn't deal with Luke right now. I walked out the door coming face to face with my mother looking disappointed in me.

"Where do you think you're going?" my mom stood in my way her arms across her chest, glaring at me.

"I'm going after William," I could still smell his scent as if he never really left, the smell of him lingered in the air strongly and it was driving me mad not knowing where he was. "No you're not, Selene Luke is your mate," my mom spoke up angrily and I growled at that word, mates don't sleep around with other females.

"Why don't you tell Luke that while I find William," I said, I heard Luke whimper behind me but I just couldn't face him, tears streaked down my cheeks as the ache grew in my chest.

"You are going to stay here and apologize to Luke," my mom argued and I just shook my head the tears flowing uncontrollably down my cheeks I wanted them to stop but they wouldn't my dad looked at me and his eyes softened as he saw me crying.

"I need to find William," I whispered, my mom still stood in my way.

"Let her go," my dad said looking at me hurt in his eyes, my mom turned on him and gave him a confused look he took her hand and squeezed lightly.

"No, I refuse to let her just leave---"

"Look at her Layla... really look at her, whatever happened, she obviously believes she needs William and who are we to stop her," my dad tried to reason as he gripped my mom's shoulders softly, she turned away from him and looked at me.

"When you get back I want a full explanation," my mom growled reluctantly and I nodded as I walked by them and out the house.

Tears streamed down my face as I continued walking in silence. I couldn't feel anything, I felt numb to the very core. His scent was the only thing keeping me going and I just didn't know why, I cried out in frustration and pain. I stopped walking and looked up at the night sky, the moon shined brightly and the stars seemed to shine brightly. I tried to smile, it was such a beautiful night, his scent got stronger and it forced my legs to move, my heart lurching in anxiety. I continued walking following his scent to a clearing. It led to a small pond that I've never seen before most likely because I wasn't supposed to be on his land without permission. I heard a rock skip across the pond and I looked up at him. He stood next to me still skipping rocks in silence. He looked so handsome with his dark brown hair always perfect and his pale skin with his gorgeous blue eyes with his perfect straight nose with his soft, pink lips. I attempted at walking closer to him but he tensed and I decided against it.

"Should I start talking or should you?" I asked wiping the tears from my cheeks and inhaling deeply.

"You know I could kill you for trespassing," his voice forced my heart to go in a beating frenzy and the tears stopped streaming down my face.

"Then shouldn't I be allowed to kill you, you've trespassed on my land multiple times," I spoke up and he turned around, I gasped at the dark veins lining his face and his startling red eyes.

"What are you doing here?" he snarled at me and I walked towards him, he just stepped away from me still staring at me keeping his distance.

"I'm here to apologize," I admitted, his eyes seemed to soften at that and he sighed nodding slowly and throwing another rock into the pond.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 11, 2014 ⏰

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