Seven- Sadie

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Sadie P.O.V.

I shuddered as Danny's hands explored my naked flesh. We'd come to my house, craving privacy, and knowing that my dad wouldn't come strolling in for hours. It hadn't taken Danny long to strip me naked and now, I was sprawled out on my bed, while he did wicked things to me. God, why had we waited so long to do this?

"I love you." The words spilled from my mouth, without conscious thought. We'd said the words to each other many times before, but they held different meaning this time.

Danny lifted his head and grinned at me, as he made the distinction, "I'm in love with you."

I nodded, "I'm in love with you too. I think I probably always have been. I was just too blinded by our friendship to see what was right in front of me."

"So you'll be my girlfriend?"

I laughed, "Danny, I'm in bed with you...naked. I think it's safe to say that, yes I will be your girlfriend."

"Good. Now that's settled..." He lowered his mouth and took one of my nipples between his teeth, using his tongue to tease it. I gasped and arched my back, running my hands down his naked back. He still wore his boxers though and we couldn't have that. So I gently pushed him away and helped him shed his final layer of clothing. When his penis sprang free, I stared at it, unashamed. This was Danny. I knew that I didn't have to be nervous or shy about anything.

So I asked, "May I taste you?"

Danny groaned and closed his eyes, collapsing beside me on the bed, as he said, "Anytime you want."

Moving with purpose, I moved between his legs, and wrapped my hand around him. He groaned, which was encouraging. I tentatively moved my hand up and down his shaft, several times, testing the waters. He seemed to enjoy it, so I knew I'd have to continue that, at some point, but right now I wanted to return the favor. He'd put his face between my legs, the first time we were intimate, and made me feel like I was floating on air. I wanted to make him feel the same. I leaned forward and placed my mouth over him, slowly taking him inside. I wasn't comfortable enough to try to take all of him, but he didn't seem to mind.

After moving up and then back down on him a couple times, he gently tugged on my hair and then pulled me up for a kiss. He didn't seem to mind that I'd just had my mouth below his belt, as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth. I kissed him back, with a fever I've never felt before. When we came up for air, he panted, "That felt so good, Baby, and one day I'll let you continue, but not today or I'll be toast afterwards."

I watched as he reached toward the floor, found his jeans, and pulled out a condom. I watched, unashamed, as he rolled it on and then he was on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him and this time, when he entered me, it didn't hurt at all. In fact, it instantly felt amazing. I never wanted it to end. As we began to move, as one, sooner than I thought possible, I felt the first stirrings of an orgasm. Danny angled his body different and all of a sudden entered me even deeper. I felt my body really begin to tighten then and before I could blink, everything seemed to explode around me. It felt so good, if I had died right then, I would have died happy.

When I came back down to earth, Danny slowed his movements, but didn't let up. He locks eyes with me and it all became more sensual after that. He brought me to a second orgasm and followed me into blissful oblivion. When we could catch our breath, he rolled to his side, but stayed connected with me and he kissed me so sweetly that I knew I'd love this boy forever. We were so sated, we dozed off and only awoke when we heard the front door open and shut, downstairs.

"Shit, my dad is home." I say frantically, as Danny scrambled from the bed and threw his clothes on. I did the same and went to open my bedroom door, as that was the rule dad had made for when Danny was in my room. I had just enough time to grab two of my school books, tossing one to a now-dressed Danny, and then dad filled the door frame.

"Hey kids." Dad said, looking between us, a little suspiciously. Oh damn. Did he know? "What are we studying?"

"Biology." I said, at the same time Danny said, "Physics."

"Huh. So, anything special happen today?" Dad asked and then I knew he was definitely suspicious. He didn't usually ask about my day. He usually did a quick greeting and then moved on.

"Uh." Just my life changing for the better, because my best friend became my boyfriend and we'd just had some really awesome sex. I couldn't say any of that to my dad though, so instead, I said out loud, "Not really."

Dad nodded, "Well, ok then. Don't study too hard." Then he left, to head down the hall to his own room. I shared a look with Danny and then about jumped out of my skin, when Dad stuck his head back in the doorway and said, "Oh and Danny?"

Danny swallowed, "Yes, Sir?"

Dad took a paper airplane out from behind his back and flew it toward Danny, who caught it. Frowning he opened it and I could see the flyer that Danny had plastered all over the school. My eyes widened as I looked back at my dad. He was trying to give Danny a stern look, but failing when he said, "Don't ever hurt my daughter or you and I will have serious problems. Oh and Danny?"

Danny looked ready to shit a brick, as he said again, "Yes, Sir?"

"You're Geometry book is upside down." Dad said, smirking and then left again.

I buried my face in my hands. So dad knew that Danny and I were now more than friends. I wonder what that would mean. Would he watch us more closely? Would he torment and threatened Danny, every chance he got? He didn't seem to be all that surprised by this new development though, so maybe we'd be just fine. He obviously knew we weren't studying considering Danny and I had said two different subjects, while Danny had been caught holding a third subject's book upside down.

"Well, that went well." Danny said and I could hear the amusement entering his voice. I lifted my head and met his gaze. We then burst out laughing. I knew then, that no matter what happened, everything would be just fine if I had this boy by my side.

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