Eight - Sadie

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Sadie P.O.V.

Four years later

Christmas, for the Taylor family had always been a big deal. It had become an even bigger deal, ever since Danny and I gave birth to our daughter on Christmas Eve, two years ago. We'd went against our parents' wishes and got married right out of high school. Why wait when we knew we'd already found our other half? So we had a small ceremony, with just close family and friends present. We'd spent a little of our savings and took a short honeymoon, knowing with us starting college, we wouldn't get a chance for a while, if we didn't.

Recently, we'd just walked across the stage again and graduated from college. I'd managed to get a teaching job and starting in August, I'd be a first grade teacher. Danny had also gone into teaching. We got lucky and he managed to get a job, in the same school district as I, but at the high school. So starting in August, he'd be a high school history teacher. He would also be the high school football coach. Everything was falling into place perfectly and we couldn't be happier. Well, that's not entirely true. We were about to announce to our families something that would make everyone in the room happier.

I smiled at my father. He'd been sober for two years and four months. He'd decided that he wanted to stick around for a long time, to watch his granddaughter grow. So he'd checked himself into rehab and went to AA meetings regularly. He'd even started dating a wonderful woman, whom I hoped he would marry someday. I knew he'd always love my mom, but mom would want him to be happy.

When Danny had moved out, to attend college, his parents suddenly decided that they should have been better parents to him. They now realize that they shouldn't have worked such long hours and they should have paid more attention to their only son. Danny tried to tell them that he didn't have any hard feelings about it, but they wouldn't listen. As a way to prove that they can be good parents, they starting fostering last year. I didn't think that proving they can parent troubled foster children, could really make up for neglecting Danny, but it wasn't my place to say that.

Right now, Danny's parents were fostering two teenage girls who kept giving everyone hostile glances. Well, one of them did. The other one seemed in awe of all the presents and the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. I didn't know their complete backstory yet, but no child deserved to bounce around the foster system for years and I'd heard enough about them, knowing that had. I imagine that I'd be mad at the world too, but I hoped that they'd quickly see that there are still good people out there. So props to Danny's parents for having the patience for fostering. We needed more people like that. It might not completely make up for their neglectful ways with their biological son, but they were doing a lot of good now.

"Gather around, please. Gather around. Gloria and I have an announcement." My dad suddenly announced, pulling his girlfriend against his side, and I felt butterflies dancing around in my chest. Was he going to say what I hoped he was going to say? He answered my international question a moment later when he said, while grinning from ear-to-ear, "Gloria and I have decided to get married."

Everyone cheered and I felt tears come into my eyes. I missed my mom. I have since she passed and I always would. I think there is always a special bond between a mother and a daughter. I already felt that bond between myself and my own daughter, Holly. I wonder if I'd feel an inkling of that type of bond with Gloria and realized instantly that I already did. From the moment I met her, I knew she was going to be special in my life. I would forever miss my mother, but I could still love Gloria at the same time.

Danny grinned at me and pulled me in for a hug, whispering, "Do you want to announce our own news now?"

I nodded and turned to say, louder, "Um, everyone, we have something to say as well. First off, welcome to the family, Gloria. Secondly, we'll also adding a member to the family next year."

"You're pregnant?" Dad asked, excitedly and at my nod, he pulled me in for a bear hug. I can remember, as a kid, craving his bear hugs. Those hugs had stopped coming after mom passed, but they'd started to make a comeback lately and I couldn't be more thrilled. I think it was just one more thing that I could thank Gloria for.

So our lives and our families were really coming together. I couldn't ask for anything more. I'd no more and had that thought, when I was suddenly yanked down the hallway and pulled into the nearest room, which just so happened to be the laundry room. Before I could ask what was going on, Danny's lips found mine. It wasn't a chaste kiss either. This kiss was a hungry one and I instantly felt my whole body responding. He had a way of making me feel like I was going to melt into a puddle at his feet.

"I love you, Mrs. Taylor." Danny growled against my mouth.

I grinned, "I love you too, Mr. Taylor."

Then he kissed me again and I stopped wondering what he thought he was doing, when he lifted me onto the washing machine and things really got heated. Who knew that things could feel this good and with my best friend, no less? Life was good.

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