Frosted Fire: DeathWing?

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As Sapphire was flying with an IceWing army something hit her. Her head started throbbing with pain and she saw a background in her mind. There was a RainWing that was burning off her chains and heading towards Silverstar. At least, she thought it was Silverstar. The vision was so blurry that she couldn't recognize any dragon. The vision ended with a ear bleeding scream.


Moonbeam his in the shadows, overlooking the arena. As soon as she heard the scream, she raced down toward it. She saw a RainWing and an IceWing. With her keen ears, she heard the very distant synchronized wing beats of the IceWing army. Friend or foe, friend or foe, friend or foe!? She thought frantically. The PeaceKeeper had been caught up in the moment. She felt stupid for heading toward the danger. Her fellow Talons of Peace in training sat on the rock ledge, dumbfounded by the PeaceKeeper's stupidity. Moonbeam froze in the air as she saw the enormous DeathWing. "H-hello....Nice to meet you, I'm Moonbeam, and I'm a PeaceKeeper, and BYE!" She yelled to distract him. Moonbeam blew a scorching burst of fire in his face, and used her Animus powers to break his neck. Her powers were enchanted to never take her soul away.
Aurora, one of the Talons of Peace in training, an IceWing, stared at Moonbeam and the dead DeathWing on the floor of the forest. To her horror the DeathWing stretched his arms and cracked his neck.
Moonbeam's shy smile faltered as she saw the DeathWing revive itself. "Oh shizzle....!"
The twelve year old dragon flew off, over the top of a very high tower, a part of the palace. The DeathWing chased after the NightWing, and the other Talons of Peace in training raced out of their hiding places to assist their friend. They saw a furious and fierce looking female NightWing shooting huge blasts of scorching fire in the giant opposing dragon's face, as well as all along his wings. The burn marks ice over, and the ice melted away.
"IS THIS DRAGON INVINCIBLE!?" Moonbeam shouted at no one in particular.
Suddenly, a vision slammed into her head, and her eyes squinted shut. It didn't hurt her, as she was now used to it, just like her great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great GREAT grandmother from the years of the Scorching got used to the pains.
The vision was of the IceWing army coming into range of the monstrous DeathWing, and being obliterated completely.
Moonbeam roared fiercely before using her animus powers to permanently murder the monster. It collapsed in on itself completely. Moonbeam hoped that if her magic didn't kill the quick healing beast, it would at least confuse and seriously maim and injure the "dragon".
The dragoness raced through the crowd of SkyWings and other assisting tribes of the SkyWings, all too distracted and confused to realize tey should chase after the out of place dragons and dragonesses that flew off in a large group, after the NightWing.
Moonbeam, meanwhile her friends in pursuit, sought out the IceWing army to stop the soldiers from meeting their demise earlier than intended. She soon saw a SeaWing leading the way to an IceWing army. She looked to be in pain. Moonbeam flew over and warned the First Circle army leader.
SapphireSapphire flew in front of Moonbeam, "What's going on?"
"Princess Sapphire," Moonbeam greeted. She quickly but respectfully bowed her head as she gently flapped her wings to stay aloft. "The DeathWing is impossible to kill, even with magic, milady." Moonbeam quickly said, getting straight to the point. She had always at least pretended to respect royalty. But she really did respect Sapphire, whereas the other Talons of Peace in training sometimes joked that they were much more important than royalty. Of course, Moonbeam had geeked out on them each time, stating all about how they were incorrect. "Unless this IceWing army is prepared to sacrifice literally EVERYBODY in the kingdom, and queen's safety today, right now, we need to escape with the IceWing, NightWing, SeaWing, and RainWing prisoners and leave. NOW!" Moonbeam started to order. Her fellow Talons of Peace in training agreed with nods behind her. Sapphire drooped her head a little, "Very well, but I will go myself to get more information."
"Fine, but stay behind me, Princess, so I may protect you. Perhaps you'd be even better off staying with my friends," Moonbeam nodded to the serious looking group.
"I don't need protecting," Sapphire snapped, "I may be a princess but I'm tougher then I look."
"Sure," Moonbeam said agreeing with her, but dropping the overly polite tone, "but that does not change the fact that I have a 96.4634% chance better than you at surviving this monster and it's attacks. Of course, that only works if my specifically calculated calculations are correct. They are MUCH less often not so. Even when they are, it is never by much." Being the brainiac that she is, it took Moonbeam seconds to calculate the true chances of her survival during attacks versus Sapphire's.
The MudWing and SandWing Talons of Peace in training nodded and said over each other, "She is very likely correct", as well as, "You should never underestimate our PeaceKeeper, Moonbeam, here."
Moonbeam snapped at them to shut it, but neither one looked wounded. They didn't care. Moonbeam looked very serious.
"Enough arguing. Let's get this show on the road," the NightWing shouted, losing all of her shyness. The DeathWing's roar could be heard in the distance, steadily gaining a louder stance.
"But you guys aren't Talons of Peace, you're Talons of Peace IN TRAINING with a PeaceKeeper!" Sapphire snapped as she flew towards the SkyWing arena, "Come if you want, numbers won't stop me."
"Then good luck going in the wrong direction," Moonbeam called. She snickered a bit before racing off in the real direction toward the DeathWing. It met her halfway, and though it was still much larger than her, her animus powers had it crushed and bleeding all over the place. It was deformed and hideous to look at, but it was also weaker and more vulnerable.
Sapphire shot straight into the clouds, "And I'm not going the wrong direction, I'm going the sneaky direction."

Moonbeam saw the DeathWing and engaged in a heated--literally....there was a lot of fire-- and venomous--also literally....why did this thing have to be able to use venom!?--battle. Her friends tried to assist her, but Moonbeam was stubborn. Though, she did allow them to help a bit.

"Hehe! I tricked you didn't I?" The DeathWing laughed, "I don't understand why you're going towards the DeathWing! Oh wait..." The DeathWing transformed into a bright-colored RainWing, "Hi! My name is Heliconia!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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