Chapter 6~ Hurricane China

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2 weeks later

Naveen POV

Ugh finally the two weeks are up but sadly I have to go back to school . Now that the secrets out that I'm a girl, I don't know how everything's gonna go . I sighed .lately my mother has been acting..... strange she's been buying a lot of pink stuff lately and got like two blow up mattresses I don't know what she up to but I'm gonna find out . I walked down stairs from my room to see my mother cooking some dinner ... Mexican to be exact she never cooks traditional food unless its a special occasion .

"Mom why so much food ?" I asked she smiled

"Ok well I guess the secrets out now .....I asked Tiara and Jared to keep it a secret from you so you wouldn't freak out when we told you this " she said as Jared and tiara were in the kitchen with us. ok now I'm scared

"Your cousins are coming to live with us " she said I was confused

" Can you be more specific " I said as they all looked to the side

"Well it's Rayan and China " when she said that my heart dropped ...... Fuck Dat Shit I can't do it I mean I love rayan to death but china...... it's a whole different story well let me put it this way


I was about 5 years old and I was playing outside with rayan because well I was and still am a tomboy while china was playing with these girls and playing dolls

"Hey Naveen you wanna play with us " she asked me and I shook my head

"No its to girly and I don't really like dolls " I said shrugging

"See that's why you are always outcasted because you do boy things" china said throwing a rock at me it hit me in my nose

"Well at least I don't sit at home all day and watch the stupid Dora show " I said as she gasped with all the other girls

"Your a boy you should grow a pee pee like rayan " she said and my mouth was wide open

"Hey don't talk about my pee pee" rayan said while she just rolled her eyes

"You even dress like one " she said I groaned

"That's it" I said charging at her and we fought. I won but at last minute we got pulled off of each other

End of flashback

So over the years as kids she would always tease and torment me about being different and I hate her. just saying .

"Why now out of all the times why now " I said yelling I can't believe this shit she is so controlling and ......girly it's just so ugh

"Because there mother Is going through some stuff so for now let's just stay positive " she said I groaned loudly

"This is bullshit " I said my mother walked up to me looked me straight in my eye

"Don't cuss around me young lady I can still beat your ass no matter how old you get " she said I stormed up to my room and slammed the door. fuck this shit.

Few hours later

I was downstairs preparing for what was soon about to happen . I heard the doorbell ring so I took a deep breath and ran my hands through my hair before walking up to the door and opening it to see Rayan and .... her. ugh I'm so pissed

"Hey Rayan ...... China " I said and rayan hugged me china just slammed her purse into my chest and brought in like 7 or 8 suit cases

"Omg china , rayan y'all are here " my mother cheered as she hugged them

" Naveen would you be a dear and take there bags up stairs to there rooms " my mother said with a smile

"Ma there's only one guest room " I said and she nodded

"You am china are sharing " she said my heart dropped you gotta be kidding rayan grabbed his stuff and some of chinas bags and we both went up stairs .I showed him to his room and took chinas stuff in my room which only created a smaller space I sighed this is some bullshit soon china came upstairs and when she looked at my room she looked at it as if she was grossed out

"What ?" I said

" Your room it's so ....... Orange " she said. I just rolled my eyes

"Deal with it " I said blowing up the air mattress she sat on my bed and started putting the pillows out of order

"What are u doing to my bed " I said and she scoffed

" Well I'm sleeping up here and your sleeping down there I don't do floors."

"How the fuck you gonna when it's MY bed " I said and she laughed

"Because I just did " I was so close to punching her dead in her face

At dinner

"So rayan how do you like your room " my mother asked .We were all eating dinner

"It's nice bigger then my old one " rayan said see. I like rayan because he always has a positive attitude

" What about you china " my mother asked with a smile

" Well the closets a little small but it will be good as soon as I get all of Naveens stuff out of there " I put my fork down

"What are you talking bout " I said confused

"O umm well you two are teenagers and y'all need y'all own space so I'm giving china your room and you moving into the basement " she said Jared and tiaras eyes got big

" WHAT THAT'S MY ROOM MA YOU CANT DO THAT " I yelled china rolled her eyes

" It's done Naveen it's over.Your just gonna have to deal with it " mom said

"Why do you always treat me like this I always get the short end of the stick I'm always the outcast, huh why " I asked kinda harshly she put her fork down

" Now listen Naveen you know that's not true -

" The .... you know what ...... I'm not hungry " i said storming up to my room and slamming / locking the door I hate china and I alway will hate her hurricane china

Ugh china is such a little dick head...... so how do you feel about Naveens mother?

What do you thinks gonna happen?

Do you  think  Naveens gonna molly whop Chinas ass?

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