chapter 35~Graduation

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Naveens POV

I can't believe this is it. My last day of highschool and finally getting out of here. I was almost done with my makeup when I saw Jared looking at me with tears in his eyes.I got up and hugged him.

"its gonna be ok Jared."I reassured him

"no its not your growing up so fast.soon your gonna have a husband and kids and your gonna forget all about me."he said

"how did you think I felt when you said you were going to marry Mia."I said to him

"I guess your right nana."he said wiping his tears away.

we both looked at each other and laughed

"look at us crying like babies."I said

"yea well imma be down stairs you just hurry up so you won't be late."

he left out and I finished applying my makeup.

I went downstairs to see everyone waiting on me.we got in the car and drove to the school. as soon as we got their dana came running over hey you guys she said kissing Ray on the cheek.

"um who's this?" tiara asked

"she is my girlfriend Dana Dana this is my cousin tiara."

"hi its nice to meet you."Dana said shaking her hand

we all walked into the building where we saw all the seniors with there families and some already on stage.

"roc!"China yelled in excitement to see him

"hey babe" roc said

"who's this" Jared asked

"this is my boyfriend chresanto, chresanto this is my cousin Jared."they dapped each other and said wassup

"come on guys before they run out of out size for the cap and gowns.

we walked over there to get ours from the guidance council. we made sure that they were our.right size.everyone had left to take there seats in the correct order while I was still in line. finally I got my cap and gown and bumped into The last person I wanted to see.Prince.

"naveen I've been looking all over for you."be said a little worried

"I don't know why. You weren't looking for me when you were fucking shayla were you?"

"look I was looking for you so I could explain not to start anything."

"well to late I'm tired of all you bullshit I don't want to hear your explanations ok just leave me the fuck alone and never talk to me again."with that I walked away to my assigned seat and waited patiently for the graduation to start

"good afternoon. I have come before you to congratulate you children on there hard work and start with lets give a warm welcome to Naveen Lopez for her graduation speech." the principle stated

I walked up to the podium and.looked at the crowd

"well good afternoon my name is Naveen Lopez and ill be saying a speech.first and far most I didn't really plan one so all of this is coming from the begin with it has been a long journey.this school year. there has been alot of drama and I'm happy to say that all of it actually helped me. I know your asking well how did the drama help you right. well it helped me because it made me to be a better person...a little bit.I used to be stubborn but I still am a little I'm working on it.but this journey was the best yet and I just want to say thank you to the people who helped me to get through it.well that's it thank you." I said walking to my seat while people were still clapping.

"now we will announce our graduates. chresanto August,China Lopez, rayan Lopez, naveen Lopez,Dana peebles,Jacob Perez." and she went on with a lot more people.

it was finally the end of the Ray and China went to everybody and hugged them. they all have us congratulations.

"congratulations babe"Dana and roc said at his same time

"stop copying me you doosh" they said again and just looked at each other

"Sally selled sea shells by the seashore."(I don't know the whole thing)they both said in unison

"enough"Jared yelled

"so where do you guys wanna go eat at."

"how bout cookout."China said

we all agreed. did and Dana went to go aso could they come with us and they said yes.

when we got to cookouts the place was packed with seniors and their familes.

we finally got waited and went to our seats

China's POV

as I was looking around cookouts people were saying hey to me and giving me hugs.I saw Craig sitting at a table by himself and went over their

"Hey Craig"

"hey" he said a little bummed out.

"why are you here by yourself?"I asked

"because my parents care more about their jobs then their own soon and they think that they can just buy my love with fancy things." he said crying a little bit

"aww I'm sorry to hear that.but it want to we have an extra seat at our table if you wanna sit with us."

he looked up at us and smile.


I grabbed his arm and led him to the table.

"hey guys guess who I found." I said

"wuddup Craig they said dapping and hugging eachother.

for the rest if the night we ate our food and joked a bit until we were ready to leave.Craig got in his car taking roc home and we took dana. home.

when we got in the house it was peaceful so everyone decided to go to sleep until Jared and naveen had to start arguing.

so how'd you like it



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