ToS X Fairy Tail Part 3: Interrogation

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The mercenaries and the wizards of Fairy Tail had returned to the guild hall to discuss their future in working together.

"So," James started. "You're telling me that that bad-ass with the spear and the army of shadows was just a minion of Lucius?"

"That seems to be the case," Erza confirmed.

"OK," he paused. "We're screwed."

"We're a little too deep in to give up now." Onsir said putting his fist down and into to the table. "Because of this Lucius guy, innocent lives were put in danger. There's no telling how many more people he could put at risk. We're beyond the point of just doing this for money," he spoke.

"I like that attitude," Natsu told him.

"Whatever you say, boss," Tristan sighed, lightly hitting his head on the table.

"Elizabeth," Grey said. "I gotta say; you were pretty impressive out there. It's good that you're on our side."

"You know, that sounds a little creepy coming from a guy not wearing a shirt," Lucy said. Grey looked down to see his bare chest. He was startled by his nudity at first, but quickly moved on.

"Eh, I've kind of given up at this point," he told her.

"You're just trying to impress the new girl," said Happy who was flying nearby.

"No, I just-shut up!" Grey denied. Tristan's eyes were scanning the room and marveling at all the strange men and women surrounding him. Then he saw a girl with brown hair who lacked a proper top chugging down a full glass of alcoholic beverage. From her waist up she wore only a jacket and a bra. It was Cana. He saw the suds of beer dripping from the glass on onto her shoulders and was instantly in love. He stumbled over to her like a zombie failing to think of a good opening line and sat down next to her attempting to make conversation.

"Seriously? I'm cute too! Why don't the guys ever notice me?" Lucy complained.

"Yeah, but you're wearing clothes," James explained to her. "There's the difference."

"You men are disgusting," Lucy responded.

"I don't know; it's possible he may have a point. It seems to work quite well for me," Erza said reequipping into one of her more revealing armors. James looked straight to her newly showing skin.

"Yeah, no, the blonde chick's right. We're just gross."

"Well, I think we're all going to get along just splendidly," Onsir said, raising a glass for cheers. However, Grey and Natsu had broken out into one of their common arguments. Elizabeth, Erza, James, and Lucy remained though to complete the clinking of drinks. "So what are we up against? Do we know where we're going?" he asked them.

"We don't know very much about the man as of yet," Erza explained while Natsu and Grey continued their dispute. They had now resorted to simple name calling. "We do know he's independent from the dark guilds, but he has a force of his own." An older, wiser voice rang through the halls but lacked a source.

"Dark guilds are guilds that work outside of the magic council. They are evil wizards that have decided they are beyond the laws of this realm," it said.

"Uh, what the crap is that?" James exclaimed. No one seemed to hear the voice but him and Happy.

"That's the narrator," Happy explained. "He shows up when my exposition isn't enough for everybody. He makes me feel like I don't have a purpose," the cat said with his face down. "Until now, no one could hear him except for me; it was really weird."

"Oh, this is some crazy stuff. I wanna leave." They then went on to pretend nothing had happened and listened to the rest of the briefing.

"We're currently interrogating the red-haired man who just attacked. Hopefully he can help us find his whereabouts and plans," Erza continued.

A large tan man with white hair and a strange rocky arm had pushed the man against a wall and yelled, "Be a real man and tell me where your boss is!" The large man's name was Elfman.

"I can't! He'll kill me!" he screamed in response.

"What a wuss," Natsu commented as Erza walked over to aid in the interrogation.

She kneeled before him in a calm fashion and said, "You have nothing to fear. Lucius isn't anywhere near here. Telling us where he is, what he plans, it will aid us greatly. It's the right thing to do." The man opened his mouth to speak, but had no time to let words out before a portal opened beside him. A man exited the portal with a knife in his hand, pushed all the nearby wizards aside, and grabbed his minion by the neck. He shoved him against the wall and sunk the blade into his throat. He moved too fast to be seen, and before anyone could react: he had gone back into his portal. It started to close, but Elizabeth stopped it with her magic.

"Go in, all of you, quick!" she ordered, struggling to maintain her grasp on the wormhole. Natsu, Grey, Erza, Lucy and the remaining mercenaries jumped through, but the rest stayed in favor of protecting their home. Once the rest were on the other side, Happy carried Elizabeth in just as the gate closed. They had appeared in a dead forest with no animals to speak of. The trees as well were absent of leaves or any sign of life. The man stood before them with his back turned away. His long and untamed white hair could be seen as well as his clothing. It resembled that of Tristan's assassin gear even though it was heavier in armor. He turned around to reveal an aging face and purple eyes. Tristan looked at him as though he were a ghost, terrified beyond movement.

"The scar I gifted you with has grown to fit you quite well," the man, presumably Lucius, told him. Tristan tightly squeezed his daggers and pursed his lips.

"We have to go," he said.

"No way!" Natsu countered. "This guy's got nothing on us!" he lunged towards Lucius with his fists ready and catching fire. "Fire Dragon: Iron Fist!" he attacked. Lucius glided away from the strike and launched him onto his back. Natsu slowly stood up, but before he could regain his footing, Lucius was soaring his way. Tristan came between the two and his daggers took the hit sending sparks into the air.

"I said: GO!" he ordered again.

"We're not leaving without you!" Onsir argued.

"You won't have to; I'll be right behind you!"

"You'd better be!" Onsir told him. Tristan stumbled and fell beneath Lucius's blade and ran to meet his team. Lucius was gaining ground quickly on them.

"Ice Make: Shield!" Grey created a wall between Lucius and the group to keep him at bay for long enough for them to get away. They managed to find a peaceful hiding place and took a moment to recover. Natsu still hadn't gotten over having to run away. He complained on and on about how they could have taken the man, but no one paid any attention.

"How did he know you?" Grey asked Tristan.

"I had no idea," he panted. "I wouldn't believe it. It's the same Lucius"

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