ToS X Fairy Tail Part 4: Past

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"What?" Natsu asked. He'd ceased his whining for a moment. "You mean you've seen this guy before?"

"Yeah. We should sit down. Natsu, you wanna make fire? It's friggin' cold." Tristan requested. Natsu complied and picked up a few larger sticks from around. He then used his fire breath to ignite it.

"Elizabeth, Grey, try and build us a fort. We don't want to risk an ambush," Erza ordered. They quickly created a small barrier of ice to protect themselves and sat down with the rest.

"So when you say 'the same Lucius', you don't mean-" Onsir began but trailed off.

"What else could I possibly mean?" Tristan answered. He softened his voice for the members of Fairy Tail. "So, I know you guys are fairly new to my existence," he said to them. "But I used to be an assassin. Not the good kind either. Not sure if there is a good kind, but that's besides the point. I killed a decent number of people. Many deserved it, but there was the occasional person who didn't. They just pissed off the wrong person, often times. Lucius was the leader of them. Before he was arrested they were one of the most feared assassin's guilds in the kingdom."

"You did what?" Grey asked sternly and stood up.

"It's long in the past," Onsir defended his teammate. "Besides, he left out a few of the more key details as to why he did it anyway."

"We don't have time for why right now, Onsir. I did what I did; I stand by a lot of it, but I'm not the same man I was."

It all happened about six years before. Tristan opened the door to an unlit house in the dead of night. He glided across the floor without making a sound. He continued on into a closed room where an old man was sleeping. He pulled his knife into the air and prepared to shove into the man's heart when he heard a noise behind him. He rushed to find someplace to hide as he saw a torch being lit. It illuminated the room, but luckily he was out of sight by now. The noise had come from a young girl. She stood there looking terrified of something she couldn't see. The man in the bed rose.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I had a nightmare," the girl said, inching closer to the bed, trying to climb on to it. The man, supposedly her father, picked her off of the floor and put her onto the other side of the mattress. He took a moment to lay down with her. He felt something odd. He stood up, tucked his daughter in, and took a sword from the wall. He saw Tristan crouched under a table and pointed his blade to his throat.

"Come out of there," he said it calmly, but not without some strain. Tristan nervously exited his hiding place. He had his hand on his dagger, but had no real intention of using it. "What are you doing in my house?"

"What's going on?" Tristan asked.

"You tell me. You invaded my house, you threaten my life, my daughter's life. You go first."

Tristan stammered, "I was sent to-I didn't know- I'm so sorry." The man loosened his grip on his sword, but refused to let it go.

Hours later, Tristan had returned to the assassin's guild to report what had happened. He held his blades tightly in his hands. He approached one of the assassins and said, "I need to see Lucius."

"You know he doesn't see novices like you."

"Take me to him, now. I'll accept any consequences for upsetting him."

"Alright, your funeral," the other man said as he took him to their leader. Once Tristan stood before Lucius, the man who brought him there dashed off, refusing to be held accountable for this interruption. The assassin was sitting comfortably on a chair waiting for news.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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