Chapter 5: Rocking the Raccoon Vibe

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* Inspiration for Louisa's bedroom (imagine lilac theme) ^^ *

Louisa's P.O.V.

I take a few deep breaths before composing myself, pulling my body away from the wall and taking a moment to scowl at the door that Parker just exited through, slamming it shut behind him.

I can't believe how rude he is. I wasn't exactly expecting a warm welcome with banners and streamers; a three-tiered cake to welcome me into his home, but he didn't have to speak to me like that either.

I huffed in exhaustion before dragging my suitcase down the hallway and into the room that Parker roughly indicated as being mine. I was instantly left breathless once again, but this time it was the result of the sheer beauty of this room. It was nothing like the one I had at home which was covered in band posters and pictures of me and Beth from over the years. My room at home didn't really have a colour theme, it was just a mess of fairy lights, books, and music. This, however, was a perfectly designed room tailored to someone with expensive taste.

The bed was much bigger than anything I needed but I almost moaned at how comfortable it looked. Made up with a thick comforter and an extraordinary amount of deluxe pillows, ranging in different shades of purples and lilacs, which was the obvious colour theme of the room, along with a crisp white.

If the immaculate whites within the room didn't brighten the place enough, the large french doors stood proudly opposite me certainly did the trick. Even though the early evening sun had begun to set, the room was left with the remnants of light from earlier today.

To say I was in awe would be the understatement of the century.

I pulled my case over towards the desk that was positioned opposite the bed and left it there, deciding that I was far too exhausted from the events of today to even think about unpacking.

I then made the excellent idea of jumping onto the bed and groaning as I sunk straight down into the sheets. I swear, if you could sit on clouds, this is exactly how it would feel!

Once I was satisfied with the amount of time I'd spent letting my body make an indent on the bed, I pulled myself away. I wanted to spend some time with my parents before they had to leave.

Unfortunately, by the time I made my way back downstairs, they were already finishing their coffees and were getting ready to leave. My heart sank at the reminder of not knowing how long it would be until I saw them again. I wasn't going to cry though, I couldn't do that to them. I'm sure this is hard enough for both of them without having to watch me breakdown over it as well. I can be strong for them.

My Mom noticed my presence in the entranceway of the room and sent me a sad look. Wow, this is going to be really hard. She had just finished pulling her jacket back on before she made her way over to me and pulled me into one of her bone-crushing hugs. These were a rarity, I usually only got these hugs when there was something seriously upsetting us or when she was expressing her pride in me.

I suppose it fits the occasion well.

The dampness on my cheek indicated her own tears so I pulled her closer, if that was even possible. She whispered into my ear about how much she loved me and that she'd be back soon enough. Once she finally pulled away, I was instantly pulled into a hug from my Dad. His was a little more delicate but it didn't take away from how emotional this whole situation was. No words were said between us, his actions alone reminded me of his love.

The moment was over too soon because, in the blink of an eye, I was watching them walk back through the front door and travel back down the driveway. This time it was them that I was watching become smaller in the distance. Watching them drive away crushed me more than leaving the house.

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