Chapter 12: All Bark and No Bite

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*Susan Sarandon as Ms. Taylor ^^*

Louisa's P.O.V.

There were only a couple days left until Fall Break would commence, and then we would have a week's break from school and all the drama that comes along with it.

Everyone was getting things ready for the Fall Dance, which I certainly wouldn't be attending. I had managed to avoid every dance organised by the school since freshman year, and that wasn't going to change any time soon.

It'd be a miracle if I even choose to turn up to prom.

Beth is similar to me in that way since she chooses not to go as well. She thinks they're a waste of time; just an opportunity for guys to get drunk and mess around, whilst all the girls just stand off to the side and judge each other's dresses. The worst part about it though is all the really cringe-worthy couples that try to look cute.

Yeah, definitely not our scene.

Instead, Beth has been forcing me to help her get things prepared for Justin's Halloween party, which I know she is beyond excited for since it's all she's managed to talk about since that day spent in Squeaks' Diner.

It's Tuesday and classes are going by extraordinarily slowly. It seems that the final week before a break always seems to be the slowest, which is beyond annoying.

Lunch had just finished which means me and Beth have just parted ways. Its almost become apparent over the past couple of days that she and Harley are slowly becoming closer. They're spending more time together outside of school, and he joins us for lunch at least three days a week now.

Although that also means that Parker is around more often too. I seem to have perfected the art of ignoring him, though. Even whilst at the James' house, I have made it a priority to avoid him at all costs. We only ever really cross paths in the morning or on the off-chance that he decides to joins us all for dinner.

My relationship with Milo seems to have developed too, which could only be considered a positive thing. I kept my promise and went to watch his soccer game last Sunday, and to my surprise, he was actually pretty good. He could potentially have a good future in the sport if he puts in the hard work.

I thought six-year-old soccer games were going to be just a bunch of kids running around, chasing a ball and attempting to kick it in a straight line, but I was pleasantly surprised when a few of the boys actually managed to score goals or make half-decent tackles.

Even though his team lost that game, Milo got Player of the Match, which he was very proud of. Even though that only meant that he got a little plastic medal and a bar or chocolate.

I suppose at his age, that would've meant the world to me too.

Luckily, Parker didn't attend due to a dentist appointment, so I didn't have to worry about being awkwardly stood around him. That would've made the entire day a lot less enjoyable because I would've been more focused on ignoring Parker than supporting little Milo.

I snapped back to the present day when someone accidentally bumped their shoulder with mine, I muttered an apology and continued my way to class. I didn't mind Tuesday afternoons all that much because I had music class during this period, which never failed to cheer me up.

Even though I didn't spend any time actually performing any music, just being in a room filled with cut-out music notes and old, slightly run-down instruments, made me a little more cheerful.

Entering the classroom, I made my way straight over to my desk, which was at the back of the class. Music was a pretty popular elective because most people thought it would be easy credit points. Most of the desks were filled with students, apart from mine. I seemed to be the only one who chooses to sit alone.

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