{brooke + the signs}

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What Brooke thinks of the signs

Aries // She's one tough bitch

Taurus // I like her! We actually have a movie night on Sunday

Gemini // she smiles a lot, it cheers me up

Cancer // Very sweet, I take her shopping with me sometimes

Leo // we share makeup and she's pretty cool

Virgo // she's my buddy at school, very easygoing. It's nice doing homework with her, but who likes homework ?!

Libra // So pretty! Really nice to hang out with, I bring her it parties all the time

Scorpio // She scares me sometimes, but she means well. She gives me boy advice.

Sagittarius // a little too jumpy, but she makes me laugh and she never judges me.

Capricorn // she gives me a lot of advice, I mean a lot. She's not as uptight as people say she is.

Aquarius // very fun to be around, weird too but aren't we all. She's one of my close friends.

Pisces // I love this angel, she's very good. She reminds me a lot of my Riley.

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