school w/who

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{  what you do In school with who }

Aries; NOAH [ he makes you laugh by trying to roast the teacher ]

Taurus; EMMA [ faulty check out the cute boys in the class ]

Gemini; WILL [ texting each other under the table while sitting next to each other ]

Cancer; ZOE [ those two girls who talk way too loudly; literally about their crushes ]

Leo; JAKE [ argue with the teacher ]

Virgo; BROOKE [ hangs with the boys ]

Libra; ELI [ laughs way too loudly and gets yelled at ]

Scorpio; GUSTAVO [ have drawing competitions during the end of class or free time ]

Sagittarius; RILEY [ have a huge conversation about every idiot in the school ]

Capricorn; LANG [ talk about books you've read and fangirl ]

Aquarius; TYLER [ crack jokes about your teacher ]

Pisces; BRANSON [ complain about his homework ]

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