Harmonica honeys

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i own nothing of harvest moon at all i just love it a lot. please enjoy.

Chapter 1: a beginning being sewn


An early mid morning spring day, brought the start of a new adventure, a new  life for a young man of 20. Kenny was a bright and creative  person that had an imagination that droved him to go beyond the norm.

On a hay ride to a new life, with nothing but a red patched jacket, brown spiked hair and 500 units of the local currency, he wondered if a new life would bring him anything special. The hay ride seemed endless though the floral atmosphere pleased in both sight and scent. Though soon enough Kenny arrived at his new abode.

As he approached his new stoop he was greeted by a strange girl. She introduced herself as Renee, a farm girl that works on a nearby ranch named horn. To Kenny's surprise there is a catch to the price of living in this house but enough of me talking let's let them tell the story.

“what!” Kenny said in shock

“I have to farm if I want to stay here”

“oh course” Renee confirmed though she seemed oblivious to Kenny's shocked reaction.

“But I don't know the first thing about farming!” Kenny tried to rebuttal.

“Then I must teach you!” Renee declared with vigour.

“lessons begin at 7am sharp, seeya then, oh! But before you get settled in you should introduce yourself to everybody in town” Renee explained.

“I really must be off now” with that said, the mysterious girl took off to her ranch.

Still in a state of shock, Kenny watched as Renee's silhouette disappeared into the horizon. Upon turning his back to the direction that Renee walked away was a grand, pointed sign highlighting the way towards Harmonica town.

The town was built along the coast and it harboured many small businesses including a small tailor shop. This certain store seemed to catch Kenny's eye.

'hmm, a tailor shop eh, well Renee said to introduce myself to everyone, i guess this is as good as start then anything' pondered Kenny to himself.

As he entered this unique store that seemed to stand out to him, he was atrociously greeted with a crash into another person.

Locked in a daze, Kenny made out an image of a girl trying to assist. This image was one of beauty with shimmering blue hair, unique but equally as charming. Her kind face could sooth the worlds anger, her eyes seemed to pierce the hardest of souls even at a single look you could count endless shades of calming blue.

Captured in her beauty, Kenny was at a loss for words. While still in a daze the young lady uttered in a shy and kind tone.

“Your not hurt are you?”

In a sense of embarrassment Kenny broke eye contact and shaded his face downwards and responded with a simple










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