an unwanted invitation

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a/n hey everyone hers a new update for ya. i really want you readers to rate and review please i need feedback  

heres a new chapter for all ya'll enjoy. I OWN NOTHING! 

chapter 4: an unwanted invitation

“hmm, let's see carry the one, times by last years revenue but what about the two. Arggg!”

“oh, son if you spend to much time around numbers the whole world will pass you by. Try going out sometimes.”Hamilton advised a somewhat stressed Gil.

“when was the last time you went out with Luke.”

“please father Luke is not my friend he's just an incredibly annoying person besides I went out last week.” Gil blushed finely recollecting the events of last weeks and the echo his body felt.

“well, I'm heading out to run some errands try not to destroy the place like the last time you got stuck.”“humph” the portly man left the hall leaving a scowling Gil in his wake. “get out!?,while there is so much work left to do get real”Gil muttered to himself. A few moments later the hall echoed with the sound of the entrance bell.

“yo, Gil where's Hamilton.”

“oh he's out but I can help.” Gil replied to general greeting he usually gets. Barely anyone comes to see him but he was used to it, his smug demeanour seemed to drive most people off. After putting away some obscure paperwork Gil turnt around to greet his visitor properly.

“so how can I hel...- what are you doing here?” Gil stepped back in shock disturbing the bookshelf behind him. Sheets of paper and books tumbled down.

“hey! Are you OK?” belted a concerned Owen. Rushing over to assist Owen stumbled on a large almanac crashing into Gil. Coming too Gil and Owen came face to face. The same echoing returned in Gil's body but it felt different almost warming and comforting this time around.

“ah, I'm s-sorry” Owen said stuttering and shuffling to his knees.

“here let me help you.” Owen extended a hand. looking down a shy way Gil replied “no I'm fine, what did you come here for again” Gil grumbled putting on his best scowl to cover his embarrassment.

“I'm here to invite Hamilton to uncle's 55th birthday.” this peaked Gil's interest.

“OK I'll pass along the message.”

“you can come too if you like. It's at 7:00pm sharp dress casual seeya then.”

“ok, seeya I mean please come again.”Owen left with an amused smile at a befuddled Gil.

' wow a party, even if it's for an old codger it's still my first. I wonder what I should wear maybe a suit, wait Owen said it was causal. I don't want to disappoint him. Gil suddenly realized his own thoughts

“urgg what do I care!. OK what did that two stand for again?”

{seeya then} {you can come too}

“idiot stop thinking about that.”

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