breaking numbers

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a/n ok this is the first instence of the dual storyline this follow the tale of gil the male accountant that will met an insufferable but irristable blacksmith enjoy (this is the yaoi section so beware)

i own nothing


Chapter 2: breaking numbers


Away from the town there is a mountainous district called Garmon mines. Small businesses make up this district all mostly based around the mining economy there. Amongst the businesses there, there is a small blacksmiths.

“Oi!, I'm heading out to the mines.” shouted a tall muscular figure as he emerged from the door

“Not with out this your not.” replied a small girl with orange hair, handing a large hammer to the muscular man.

“Thanks Chloe.” said the man.

“No problem Owen.” replied Chloe.

Owen set off for a cave (which was a small walk from the smithy). Owen was a man of 24 that worked for his uncle. He's very muscular and tall with deep red locks that were spiked in clusters in a windswept look. He usually garbed himself in a black wife-beater accompanied with a neck towel and brown slacks that were buckled by a black belt.

After a few hours of breaking stone ,in hopes to recover ore,Owen was greeted by a visitor in the cave.

“so this is the mine, its rather dingy in here” a smug voice sounded.

“Gil? What are you doing here?” Owen questioned

“As an employee of the town hall and the mayors son, I am obligated to visit the regions economic suppliers.” Gil arrogantly responded.

Suddenly a creaking noise could be heard from above. A stalactite came crashing down atop of Gil's head.

“Watch out!” Owen shouted as he plunges himself towards Gil. Gil was soon clutched in Owen's muscular arms on the ground. Gil suddenly felt a large beating in his chest that seemed to echo throughout his whole body.

“Get off me this instant.” Gil ordered. Owen complied lifted himself of the young man. Gil rose to his feet then adjusted his tie that had come loose.

“Don't ever touch me!” shouted Gil

“Is that the thanks I get” Owen rivalled

“Just stay out of my way.” Gil exclaimed. Gil then left the cave and the red head behind.

“What came over me in there? My heart couldn't stop beating” thought Gil.

“The only logical explanation is that I just got caught up in all the excitement, though Owen was incredible dashing back there” Gil suddenly grimaced at that thought but a light tone of pink spread from his upper lip to the tips of his ears. He cleared his throat.

“Time to get back to work.”The blond lean man then suddenly started to walk towards town hall in a smug attitude.

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