the gift of knowledge

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a/n hey im so so sorry i couldnt update last saturday but every was just terrible so heres the latest chapter i hope you like it. please rate and review i need feedback even if its going to be negative.

i own nothing


chapter 5:the gift of knowledge



“And just pluck when they're round and white,K.”

“yeah,ok” Kenny said breathlessly.

“Hey stop that groaning your a grown man now and fit one at that, you can take care of a little vegetable patch like this.” Renee stated.

Kenny looked out on the ploughed patch of dirt and then at his hands. They were large and strong but now covered in dirt and sweat. Kenny flinched as the salty liquid seeped into one of his newly formed blisters.

“Don't worry you'll form callouses soon enough. Well I've got to go feed the cows, seeya.” the girl left in the same fashion as before in a large mess that in her wake left a huge cloud of dirt and dust. This left kenny to choke a sputter slightly.

"Man, that girl has a lot of energy for her age she just can't sit still.” Kenny then lent against his hoe and looked of into the distance,wiping a stray bead of sweat of his forehead ruffling his hair in the process.

'I guess this somewhat rewarding, I wonder how long this will last this time,' a shine of remorse reflected in Kenny's eyes. This did not last long. 

“Hey!, you gonna spend all day dreaming.” Kenny was shocked to see the two girls garbed in pink and blue standing next to him.

“Wha-wha-what you guys doing here?” Kenny asked coming out of his shocked state.

“W-we come bearing gifts.” Candace said in a shy tone.

"Is that so? Well i suppose i could take a break" Kenny replied hiding his secret despiration for escaping his newly found duties.

“ what exactly were you doing out here anyway?” Luna questioned.

“ Well let's just say my new job”

“ Huh,interesting” Luna responded disaprovingly. she was never one for becoming a person of the dirt. 'Why would anyone want to waste time with the ugly things in life then beautiful' was her somewhat ignorent mantra.

Kenny opened the wooden door with an echoing thud. The house's interior was somewhat better then the exterior leads to believe. The walls were painted in a vibrant yellow and wooden panels occupied the floor. Though small the house managed to enclose many many different furnishings including the necessities of a bed, dresser, kitchen and table. Kenny ushered the tailor girls to their seat by the oak wood table.

“ Such a gentleman.”Luna observed.

“ I can't offer much, vegetable stew ok?” Kenny asked.

“yeah that should be good, right Candace?”

“yes, fine” Candace stated.

Kenny reached up into the cupboard and gathered an array of cooking equipment. Candace glanced over and saw the tear again. She contemplated whether or not if she should assist.she had always helped her mother in the kitchen before she got ill and now dhe helped her grandmother. Candace was never one to pride herself in her work but she had always thought that her cooking was good.

After putting a large pot on to the flame, Kenny took his place next to Candace.

“So what do I owe the pleasure.”Kenny wondered,.

“Well we thought you could use a little of a warmer welcome to the neighbourhood”

“Yes” Candace agreed with her younger sister.

Luna revealed a small package from her purse. The package was decorated in a pale pink box accompanied with a hot pink ribbon with a detail of 3 flowers decorating the top right corner. It somewhat resembled the girl herself. Kenny scruffily opened the box this made Luna mildly upset. Inside was a small bottle of flowery liquid.

“ It's the latest thing made by yours truly with a little help from our childhood friend, Juli.” Luna bragged.

'Juli? Another girl  in the town, she must live in the Garmon mine area I haven't been there yet' Kenny thought to himself. “urhh, thanks I needed this” Kenny struggled.

“no problem” Luna chirped.” Go on sis your turn.”

Candace reached into her bag and brought out a package,she handed it to Kenny without a word. This package was larger and was plain only garnished with a pale blue ribbon. Kenny carefully untied the ribbon and lift the lid. The present held a brown jacket with two breast pockets that had been sewn with care. It was monogrammed with a 'K' above the left breast pocket in a light shade of brown thread. Kenny stared at it and felt a wave of happiness and gratefulness wash over him. He faced the blue tinted girl.

“Thank you”

Candace just stared at the oak table without a single glimmer of emotion but just closed her eyes. Contented.


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