The rules of fun

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Chapter 6: The rules of fun

“Tie; check, present; check, breath; hmm check.”

“Oh, stop fussing you look fine.” Hamilton huffed. The door to the blacksmith's opened and a tall, thin object cast a shadow over Gil and Hamilton.

“Glad you could make it” the object greeted. Further observation suggested this is Owen's uncle Ramsey. Ramsey despite his age looked pretty good. A slight silvering in the hair and his thin figure were the only signs of ageing but other then that he could resemble Owen minus the red hair.

“least we could do for an old friend.” Hamilton bellowed. Upon entering the establishment it was apparent that it was apparent that it was a blacksmiths. Metallic tools lined the walls and shelves, examples of different kind of ores and metals decorated a cabinet in the corner. The air had a mixed scent of burnt wood that rivalled the smell of cooked meat that lingered because of the occasion.

- - -

After a dinner of roast duck and a dessert of strawberry cheesecake, the guests separated into two groups. Occupying the living room and kitchen were the older company that spent the night chatting and gossiping over news and the latest trends. In the back garden and bedrooms were taken over the youth. Many of the young people like: Luke, Owen, Kathy (a local barmaid) and Maya were laughing and socialising. Gil however sat in his seat from dinner and observed both groups.

“ Hmm, so this is what a party is like. Rather dull in my opinion.”

“Hey! Nice tie Gil,looking good.” Luke said in all his obnoxious glory.

“Urrg, go away you pest.”Gil said in aggression from his broken daydreaming.

“Well that wasn't very nice now was it.” A figure said from behind Luke.

“Well at least apologise to him.” Gil couldn't look the figure in the face, he looked down a muttered a solemn “sorry”.

“It's alright dude come join the party” Luke said oblivious to Gil's embarrassment. The figure set it's hand on Gil's shoulder.

“Yeah come join us.”

“No thanks Owen I’m alright.” Owen let his hand drop and grabbed Gil's left wrist and Luke the right. The burly men dragged the lean blonde to a circle of people with ease. The circle was formed of Kathy, Maya and unfamiliar faces which one could only assumed were friends of family visiting. Owen thrust a glass of colourful liquid towards Gil. Trying to be as accepting as possible to try and dispel the awkwardness that seemed to float in the air, Gil took the drink with an odd smile.

“Let's play spin the bottle.”Maya announced. Gil sat down in the circle. Kathy gripped and spun the bottle with strength. The blue bottle spun in a clockwise fashion passing Gil three times. The bottle finally came to a stop at Kathy's knee.

“Well let's see now I have to pick who to kiss.” She set her eyes on Owen she crawled towards the red head. Her lips smacked against Owen's in a wet slap. She withdrew from the kiss leaving a drunken Owen feeling shocked in her wake.

Gil could feel his body ache from the sight of it. His heart being pulled down from the weight of that single kiss. He excused himself roughly from the group and fled to the garden. The sting of tears were making themselves known behind his eyes.

“Stupid, what are you doing? Why are you crying?”

“Hey! Gil, are you ok?” Luke asked rushing out into the garden.

“I'm fine alright” Gil answered aggressively. Tears came loose in his eyes. Luke took the blond man into his chest. Gil pushed him away roughly.

“Just leave me alone alright” Gil demanded the words heavy with self pity. Luke sighed and patted him on his shoulder.

“I'm your friend, I'll be here for you.”Luke consoled. Ashamed in his actions and tears Gil hid his face away from his admirable friend.

“Please Luke, just go.” Gil snivelled. Luke nodded and left reluctantly . Gil hugged his arms and muttered “I'm worthless”. He brought his hands to his face and wept silently in the cold night air.

A/N: MUST READ! this will be the last chapter of harmonica honeys but this is the first in my harvest moon fanfic seris. after this i will upload two new books continuing the couplings from the point i left them at. please read them and thank you for all the reads and views i had fun writing this thanks so much. i own nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2012 ⏰

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