Petra x Oluo

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Oluo: PETRA!!!!

Petra: CORPORAL!!!

Admin: any words?

Armin: yea four actually...I don't ship it

Eren: I know right the freak keeps biting his freaking tongue

Petra: and he should die next time and bleed out!

Oluo: Petra I love you!!!

Petra: I rather be shipped with a tree!...wait

Levi: what's with all the noise?

Petra: Heicho! Oluo keeps chasing me and telling me to marry him

Levi: must we go through this every time we see each other Oluo

Oluo: no sir!

Levi: I don't like that ship understand that she's mine *kisses Petra on the lips*

Petra: *blushes*

Oluo: *walks away embarrassed*

Armin: awe!!!!

Admin: that's why you two are my otp!!!

Eren: get a room




{A/N next ship Sasha x Mikasa}

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