10 Useless Confessions

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Armin: hai!!! Its me and Neko_Armin also known as NA for not available!!!

Neko: I totally AM available what a cheesy joke!

Armin:*giggles* ok so this is all about Neko and he'll explain ten useless confessions of his from Shingeki No Kyojin ready set go!

Neko: number 1....I use to ship REINER AND CHRISTA but then I grew onto Yumikuri I only ship Reiner and Christa in junior high because it actually looked right and kinda cute but don't worry I'm still a fan of YUMIKURI!!!

Armin: I'm so glad I'm not saying this

Neko: number two!... I'm sorry to say this for Armin and Eren but...I USE TO SHIP ARUANI!!!!

Armin: YOU MONSTER!!!!

Neko: well that was because your both blonde's but then I started to dislike it when I found out Annie was the female titan I'm like no Armin's too nice for her so that's when I ship Bertholdt and Annie cause their the same person and understand each other

Armin: I was about to rip your throat out

Neko: ok number 3 if Petra was never in the anime and wasn't so freaking cute I would of ship LeviHan

Armin: TBH that's true I would of as well

Neko: number 4 Ereri is my crack ship but then Eremika be funny asf

Neko: number 5 my favourite character use to be Levi but because of how I can't understand him and got bored of him my favourite character now is either Petra,Hanji,or Armin.

Armin: yay!

Neko: number 6 don't blame me but I got a little curious and because of Renee_Heart_Anime I now ship Mina and Armin

Armin: can't say no to that because Mina is adorable

Eren: what about me!?!

Armin: your adorable too!!

Eren: thank you

Neko: going on number 7 before I shipped Bertannie I shipped ReiBert


Neko: How did Annie get in!?!

Eren: *pulls Annie out room*


Armin: Nu language!!!

Neko: number 8 when Eren got out of his titan form for the first time I cried when Mikasa cried

Eren: you big baby

Armin: *sniffs* it was sad!

Mikasa: *cries* I thought he was dead!!!!*blows nose*

Neko: -_-.... there's no way I can say no to her and speaking of why I can't number 9...I have a big crush on both Mikasa and Petra

Levi: YOU BITCH!!!!

Mikasa: I don't blame you I am single and to be honest I rather date you then Jean

Eren: your so lucky he's sick or else he would of trampled Neko with his dusty hooves

Neko: number 10!!!...I thought Ymir was a guy

Everyone: *snickers*

Ymir: I am not changing my look!

Christa: yea she looks beautiful!

Eren: yea for a guy

Ymir: *kicks*

Christa: I swear I can't understand you men

Ymir: now I'm gonna kick your ass for thinking that!

Neko: this has been Neko and he's signing out wish me luck everyone

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