Capítulo Dos ~ Cameron

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Shit. Damnit. Why do I always have to be late.
I jump out of the taxi, pay the driver, and flee towards the airport. It makes it pretty hard to run in these stupid pants with the oversized sweatshirt and a baseball cap designed to cover my face. And what the designer doesn't know is that it makes it equally as hard to see what's ahead of me. I would be lucky if I don't crash into someone. God.

I run to the boarding area and get my boarding pass. I'm distracted by a beautiful girl, probably in her teenage, sitting there examining what seems like a folder of documents. She has a camera around her neck and an oversized backpack—seems like I'm not the only idiot carrying oversized things— along with a suitcase. I let the promise of beautiful cities of Spain and equally beautiful girls pull me down the board-in counter to the flight.

I sign in relief. I made it to the plane before it took off, but still I was a solid 30 minutes late. No worries. I'm already pretty bad to get any badder. I just got my next photo shoot schedule out and started flipping the pages when the attendant approached me. I looked up as I asked for a Sprite and damn, my trip-in-disguise dream shatters. Right in front of my eyes.

She recognized me. She was shocked at first and looked like she wanted to shout(not in the 'I shout when the dog runs after me' way but in 'I shout when I meet my idol' way), but she gave me what seems like a reassuring smile. Yeah, that's a bit comforting but remind me to be more careful next time.

I sip my Sprite as I start reading a magazine. I remove my cell to translate the Spanish words I don't understand. After a while I get tired of doing this tedious job of deciphering the text. I thank god—sorry, my manager—for giving me a window seat. I start staring out of the window. But that doesn't go long either.

I walk to the front of the plane to use the rest room. I ask the attendant for a coffee and she immediately starts preparing it. She asks me to take my seat in the passenger area but I refuse. She's looks a bit annoyed but I guess they are not given extra good points for being rude to passengers. So, I stand there watching her make my cappuccino. That's when I realize she is the one who served me Sprite earlier.

"Thanks", I say as her eyes flicker in search of something. Milk powder, maybe. Just guessing.

Her mouth opens to say something but suddenly shuts. Instead she says," Don't mention it. By the way, my brother loves you".

"Wow, your brother loves me?" I ask as I see her roaming around as if she is busy but the truth being told, I guess the machine can run on its own— without someone running around it.

She realizes me staring at her and finally faces me, raising her right eyebrow while squeezing her left eye. Whoa! I love how she did that. I make a mental note to practice it later. "No. I'm more used to hearing that this or that girl loves me. A boy is new."

"My brother didn't know it was a crime to fanboy over a boy." Her face is as expressionless as my caffeine without the cream on it. Well, never mind, it's me who's pissing her off.

"That's not what I meant, babe. I aimed that to come out in the sweetest form possible but clearly my voice doesn't support all my wishes. And I would definitely like to talk to him. I was just........ star struck-ed." I didn't realize I could be such a good teacher until now. Should give it a try sometime. That softens her expression a bit but there is still something not-peaceful behind those pretty eyes. I guess she's still pissed off a bit.

She starts adding my beloved cream as she says,"Mr. Cameron Dallas, I'm not at all interested in you. And, do not flirt with me. Not to mention my knuckles are harder than bricks. And you better stop babe-ing me." She looks at me with a professional expression, hands me the coffee—with cream, let me mention—and asks me to leave.

Something makes me obey her but I don't forget to add,"Hey doll. If you change your stubborn little mind, we could be friends. I would like to have your phone number". She gives a devilish crooked smile revealing her very white teeth. What?! Does she finish a whole packet of Colgate in a single go?!

"Get lost, pendejo!"

"Ouch! That hurts."

"Not harder than my kick!"

"What, were you raised by Ninjas?!"


Just as I expected, I got her number. I learned her name was Magnolia. Still not sure about her last name. She took long to change her mind but she did. I knew she would. But still I was a bit insecure. I like her. I'm eager to meet her brother. Thinking to myself, I doze off.

The next thing I know is that it's time for landing. I throw a chewing gum in my mouth, fasten my now loose seatbelt and place the magazine in my bag as I get ready for landing. It doesn't take more than 3 minutes for the plane to land and we start descending it. That's when I see her. The girl with a camera. My girl with the camera. Well, not mine, but you know, the one I saw. She is on this plane. That means she is in Spain. She is in Barcelona. She is with me.

That is, if she doesn't has a connecting flight to nowhere.

( Hey peeps! As I go to school, I don't get a lot of time to write and update. But I promise I'll update at least 1 chapter every 3 days. )

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