Capítulo Seis - Cameron

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I scan the road-side gelaterie, or pre-meal dessert center, in search of any vacant tables. And as for my luck, I find none. I see a table with no one sitting at it, but it has a camera and what I guess is a journal under it placed on the table. So, maybe that's supposed to be some kind of a marking saying This table is taken. Whatever that meant, I decide to leave the person, and the table, alone.

"No place to sit, guys." I say/shout to Shawn and Halsey who are standing right outside the gelaterie but refuse to climb the three steps that gets you right in the gelaterie. Come on, there is not even a door there. Lazy lad. I curse Shawn under my breathe but I do not curse Halsey. I just don't ever curse Halsey. And I don't know why. "Unless you count the floor."

"Says the most controlling one and the one with the I-get-what-I-want attitude?" If Shawn thinks this is supposed to encourage me to go look for seat again, he is so bloody wrong.

"Self service, sir." I say in a polite hot-Italian-waitress accent. "Idiot. Look for yourself." This, I say in my normal accent.

"No, seriously, did you just give up? This is gonna be history."

"Okay, Shawn. I get it. You're not gonna do any work except for fooling around."

"That's exactly what I'm gonna do!"

"Come inside. I'll find us some place."

"Now, that's our little Cameron!"

"I am hearing a boy younger than me calling me little. That's great." I say with a faint hint of sarcasm, facing Halsey and all she does is join me in laughing while Shawn stands there starring us. Literally, starring at us.

I walk inside and stress my eyes one more time by trying to find an empty table. And I freeze. I stand there, starring at her and it, speechless. Because the table with the camera is now occupied, by her. The only unexpected thing that could happen now was to her to be here. And there she is. And here I am, freezed and blushing and starring and smiling and smirk-ing and mentally jumping and speechless and wanting to talk to her but unexpectedly shy. And suddenly, out of nowhere, there are butterflies wandering in my stomach. No, leave goddamn butterflies alone, there is the entire bloody zoo in my stomach.

Why isn't she leaving me alone? Not that I want her to, I definitely want to know her but, is this fate? Cameron Alexander Dallas, if you really want her, do what you're supposed to do. Make your fucking move. But if she says no, I'll probably never see her again. The stakes are just to high. I take a deep breath and decide that I'll take the risk. Either way, she can't do anything worse than being rude to me.

"I found a table. Now go away so I can take it." And never come back. Nope, I don't say the second part. Somethings are meant to be kept by yourself.

"Are you sure you're gonna take it? Steal it will be a more appropriate word. Because, WAKE UP! There are no fucking empty tables over here. Let's move, we'll find some other place." Halsey, out of  nowhere, shouted on me. No, shouted is a bit overpowering. Her tone was calm during the start and the end.

"Do you know who I am?" I doesn't take me more than a second to shoot this question at her.

"Cameron Dallas. So what?" Why does Shawn always have to take her side?! It was between me and Halsey, why does he always have to interfere?

"So, I'm gonna get you a place. Only, we'll have company. No thanks to you." I tell Shawn. I knew Shawn would sense the disappointment due to lack of respect in my voice. I actually wanted him to know I was disappointed. Not that I cared. Shawn would always, and forever, be my little brother, my best friend. We have never let these little arguments disturb our friendship and we are not planning to start now. At least, I'm not. Maybe he, too.

"No favor to us. I guess you would enjoy stealing that table." Shawn says with a smirk on his face, starring at the exact table she is sitting at. Oh no! He saw me starring at her earlier.

"Now go, get lost." I instruct him with a smile, breaking his cruel smirk in a laugh too. I see him and Halsey walk out talking about something as I move to steal that table. Hoping I could probably steal her heart, too.

"Nice camera" I say to get her attention seeing that she is busy clicking pictures of her gelato and has not noticed me coming.

"Thank you." American. Definitely American.

"Mind if I sit here?" I ask politely, pulling a chair out knowing she wouldn't refuse. She gives her head the slightest nod and that's when I know I've already fallen for her.

"I would never be able to use such a camera. Too many buttons." I try to make conversation with her.

"You'll learn. It's not that hard." She takes a long pause as if she is calculating something. Then suddenly she adds "How did you know?" And I know exactly what she means.

"Many factors. First, you're taking pictures of your gelato. Definitely a tourist. Accent, damn american. Have a leather diary hidden under a camera, American tourist. Am I right?"

"You're fucking right, dude." Says a boy who just came to our table and is now pulling a chair to sit. He looks about my age. I notice they exchange smiles and there is only this one thought in my head......"Is he your boyfriend?"

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