Capítulo Nueve - Savannah

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Shawn and this girl called Halsey suddenly come out of nowhere. Shawn Mendes! I can't believe, first Cameron Dallas was sitting across from me on a table and joking and now Shawn Mendes is defending me! My life in Spain is definitely a fairytale.

Halsey, as I heard Shawn call her, is a life saver. She comes, studies me and points towards Cameron. I nod. And in a quarter second, she was talking to Cameron. No, it looked more like scolding Cameron. Shawn, knowing exactly what she's gonna do, hands her a gelato cup. I was just admiring Halsey's guts when I realize I've missed the most epic scene.

She did the same thing to Cameron. She threw an ice-cream scoop on him. Warrior princess.

Everyone, including me, is laughing.

We're laughing so hard that there are tears in Shawn's eyes and Halsey is clutching her stomach. And Conrad, who has proven that I can no longer read him, is recording all this. I don't remember Conrad being so fast. I too switch on my camera, focus it on Cameron's face and click the button, storing laughter for the next few years on a paper. I am laughing, thinking This is definitely an Instagram worthy photo! But a second thought crosses my mind and I decide to keep it by myself.

"Did you just start a food fight with me?!"Someone's voice lures me out of my hurricane of thoughts. It's Cameron's. He's shouting on someone, that probably isn't me.

"Yes, sir. I have. Do you dare to continue?" Halsey says boldly, proving that she knows very-well how to handle this brat.

"Only if you're in my team."

"Not gonna happen."

"I am." Conrad chirps out of nowhere and we all look at him. Realizing that all eyes are jammed on him, he adds "In your—" he points Cameron "—team."

"Yay!" Cameron yells, jumping up and down.

"No!" We all shout in unison.

Conrad, you're going really out of control. Really unpredictable.

"So, Shawn and Savannah are in the loser's—" he buries his glare at Halsey "—team while Conrad, the second most intelligent person, after me, is in the winning team. Sorry, my team." He practically sings the words loser and winning.

Halsey does an eye roll. Shawn smirks, shaking his head no. And I'm scared right now because the way he said it, it's going to be a world war. Food war? Gelato war? Whatever.

"So, Ladies and Gentlemen—" Cameron starts.

"—welcome to the 77th Hunger Games!" Halsey and Cameron finish together, just like Katniss and Finnick. Aww, they make such a cute couple. Wait, are they even together? But it seriously looks like that. Maybe they are.....together. Don't jump to conclusions, Savannah.

"Who takes the lead?" Conrad asks with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Do we even need to clear that?" Shawn comebacks sarcastically. I have never, even after all these years of fangirling, seen such an evil but hot glim in his eyes. He's adorable.

"I didn't know you are experts at this game."

"Just shut up, Conrad! You do not ask questions after the dialogue. I'm gonna do it again. And you are gonna keep your gigantic mouth shut this time." He takes an unbelievably deep, lung bursting breath. I was all ears to hear the line again but all that falls on my ears is "Ugh! You know what?! Forget it. Let's just get on with the fight. It's so frustrating! You guys are all mouth but no ears."

"That's a wise decision from your side, Dallas. Anyways I was very much tempted not to let you finish it." Halsey no doubt is the Wonder Woman of this world. "Better hide your head behind a shield. You are going to faint the next time you yourself in a mirror."

After this, before anyone can sense what's going on, there's gelato flying in the air. Everyone in the café has joined the war, joining forces with the team they think they suit best in. Halsey is fearlessly fighting, Shawn is proving how fierce he can be and I am simply showing how big a coward I am. I have taken shelter under the table. I feel so out of the picture. It's like, I don't belong here, with them. I pull myself together, take a deep breath and instruct myself this is your time to make yourself visible, Savannah. Make it count.

I abandon my cover and, with all the courage my heart could gather, run for the counter, ignoring the tables like they are non-existent. All eyes are on me. I can sense them. I don't like the feeling I am getting right now but I don't have any other choice. I have shown myself enough to not hide again. So I stick to the plan.

I gather all the scoopers I can find and look at Conrad for permission as its his shift right now. He stares at me with a look on his face saying I left you for 3 years and look at you. I just shrug because I know that there is no answer that is going to satisfy him enough.

"Hey, you two lovebirds! Do you realize there's a war going on?!" Cameron's voice breaks our eye contact and suddenly there is fire boiling inside me. I get the urge to kick him in the ass, but instead I decide to answer in a better way.

I scoop I-have-no-idea-what-flavor-gelato-it-is using one of my scoopers and decorate it with the very last beautiful ingredient I could find. I add some hot fudge on the top just to give it a chocolaty touch. I steal one last glance at it and realize I could really be an infomercial chef.

But this was no time to decide my career. I just do what I am supposed to do.

I take aim, tilt my scooper a little backwards and transfer all my body energy to my hand. With a single jerk of the hand, which I was not sure would work, I let my beautifully garnished scoop loose. It soars in the air like a trained sky-diver and prepares for landing, right at the target.

(Hey peeps! Thank you for reading my book and I really hope it's keeping you glued to the screen. I know this might sound a bit awkward but I'm going to do a self-shoutout! If you are really enjoying my book, and would like to recommend others, can you please nominate my book for the fanficton awards. *puppy eyes* Here's the link to it
All you have to do is comment my story, and my username, next to the right category — my book would be eligible for Magcon fanficton, best of the beginners, best of the undiscovered, best of the little and few more. I would really mean a lot if you could do this little favor to me. No pressure or anything, but pretty please?
Anyways, have a great day. Love ya all!)

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