Capítulo Seite - Savannah

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I. JUST. CAN'T. BELIEVE. IT! The world-famous Cameron Dallas is sitting next to me and asking me if I have a boyfriend! How crazy and surprising can life get?! But, good for me Dallas, he's no longer my love interest.

Conrad is kind of laughing, and if he thinks this is a joke, he's still such a kid. Cameron, sitting across from me, still has a serious and questioning look on his face. And I seriously don't know what my face is looking like because, during situations like these, I lose control of my facial expression. But I really, really want my face to be expression-less. Because, if I blush right now, I'll make it sure that after all these years, I've still not moved on.

"No" we, Conrad and I, shout/tell in unison, and a look of relief passes through the-guy-sitting-across-from-me's face. What?! No way was Cameron insecure about my date....or, was he?

"And you shouldn't ask such questions on first meets." I add instantly, as if it a part of the 'no' sentence.

"Sorry....... By the way, I'm Cam." He offers his hand for me to shake. And, I merely take it, playing the 'I-don't-know-who-you-exactly-are' game.

"Just Cam?"

"It's the short for Cameron."

"Hi, Cameron. I'm Savannah."

"Hi, Savannah. Nice to meet you." Perfect manners.

"Conrad. Conrad Scott." Conrad practically snatches Cameron's hand from mine. Mean. But then together, as if they counted to three, they stand up and do their manly hug, taking me by surprise. Like, seriously, how can two guys just meet and act like they are long-lost friends?!

When they sit down again, they exchange a look which makes me suspect that they have together agreed on some sort of a plan. There's like a hurricane of thoughts in my head right now. Did they know each other already? And this was all a setting by Conrad? But he didn't know I was coming. So this leaves me with only one possible option, wait and watch.

Conrad starts having his gelato which I didn't realize he had brought with him, till now. He cups a spoonful and fills his mouth, splashing it all over his lips. I offer him a tissue but instead he lick-cleans his lips.

Just in time, Cameron says "Good way, man. But I have a better idea. Watch and learn." And then a really weird thing happens. Cameron sets his tongue in his cup and starts licking the walls of the cup, cleaning every bit of it. Conrad, who I was confident wouldn't do such a lame thing, proves me wrong and starts following Cameron. Idiot!

"You, too, should try this, Susan." Conrad tries to lure me in their stupid activity.

"No. But thanks for asking." I act all polite and stuff but mentally, I'm kicking his butt.

"Susan?" Cameron asks and that reminds me that we have just met.

"Short for S-a-v-a-n-n-a-h." Conrad took so long pauses between every syllable that for one second it made me wonder whether he's ever going to finish it or not.

"Savannah. Susan. How are they related?"

"Savannah thinks her name is 'western'. It sounds old fashioned to her. So she convinced us to call her Susan."

"Savannah suits you better. It's a beautiful name." Cameron says facing me, pulling me out of my oblivion.

"Thank you. But I like Susan better."

"That's your choice. But you have to lick your cup clean. Like so." He licks his cup again, making a horrible puppy sound this time.


"That's music to my ears." Conrad adds, copying the sound Cameron made.

"Good work, mate. Let's have a competition." Saying this he calls a attendant and orders two cups of gelato. He whispers something in the attendant's ear, which I'm not sure what. Conrad just gives me a questioning look and I shrugg, showing him I don't know what he's telling her. Cameron asks me if I want one but I refuse.

As soon as their orders arrive Cameron starts announcing something. I was just thinking Is it Cameron's habit to make things more hard? when I hear the countdown from three start. 3. 2. 1...... And bam!

Not your Prince Charming |hiatusTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang