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Why, after all this time am I visiting my sister? You may ask. But she's my sister, and I love her, even if she overreacts sometimes.
Walking over to the elder's den, I peer inside.
My sister is sleeping, but the elders are talking very quietly, probably about her.
I pull my head out so they don't see me, and listen.
"I still can't believe they put her in with us," Birdwhisper's voice murmurs quietly. "We need space! We worked our way to this den."
Toadpelt's gruff voice answers, "Stop being so grumpy! I don't mind that she's here."
I notice they aren't using Vipermask's name.
I peek in for a second.
Vipermask's eyes are flickering.
She's awake.
And she's listening to them.

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