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I'll explain what happened.
Vipermask and I were very close as apprentices.
When we were completing our final assessments, something- happened.
She became a murderer.
She, as commanded, found a rogue on our territory. But, when Halfstar commanded her, she killed him.
I was flabbergasted. I never thought she would ever betray me like that. 
We promised we would never do something like that, even if Halfstar commanded it.
After she broke that promise, I stayed away from her. She seemed confused, but I was hurt.
I avoided her for a while. After the fire, I was even more upset. I lost two sisters in that fire. Ravendusk, one of my best friends, and Vipermask.
Vipermask became distant.. From everyone.
Halfstar would eye the she-cats' den warily, knowing she was in there, knowing she wasn't going to come out any time soon.
I would watch it too.

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