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Vipermask keeps talking about leaving. She often growls at me when I suggest anything, but it doesn't matter. I feel like an absolute failure for neglecting her already.

She really does want to leave.

"Well, I have to talk to the kits," I tell her. "I'll visit you later."

"Hmph," she mews, probably uncertain if I would actually come back or not.

The kits are wrestling in the nursery.

"Ravenkit, Beekit!"

They stop wrestling quickly.

"Will you tell us a story?" Ravenkit mews excitedly.

"Sure," I mew. "About what?"

"Tell us about the old times, with StarClan!"

"Shhhhh.. Be more quiet! That kind of talk is forbidden."

"Oh right.. I'll be more quiet."

"Why do you want to know about this stuff anyways?"

"Well, we just want to know what it's like.." Beekit whispered.

"Ok," I mew, giving in. "Well, before Foxstar banned all talk of StarClan, medicine cats visited the Moonstone to talk to our ancestors. The would receive prophecies and whatnot from StarClan.

"But long ago, a leader named Bluestar took a kittypet into her Clan."

"What Clan?" exclaimed Ravenkit.

"None other than ThunderClan."

"What? But ThunderClan is the greatest Clan!"

"Um, well, about that-"

"About what?" A deep voice sounds from behind me.

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