Chapter 1: Ten Years Later

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See prologue for the disclaimer. Because I've decided that it would be too much work to put it at the beginning of each chapter. As I did in the prologue, Chewbacca's dialogue will written surrounded by asterisks, while the dialogue of human characters, and 3-PO,  will have normal quotation marks. This is how things will be for the duration of the fic, as well as all of the sequels But furthermore, just for this chapter, Jabba the Hutt's dialogue will be written surrounded by brackets.

The greatest adventure of Jon Solo's life began on Tattooine. Han and Chewie had gone down to a cantina in Mos Eisley. Jon came with them, but as he was only ten-years-old, he wasn't permitted entrance to the cantina. On other planets, children were allowed in certain cantinas and bars during the day time, as long as they behaved. When Jon was much smaller, Han would bring him along to these places, because it was easier than leaving him at the Falcon. There were a few times a few times where they'd had to dash out in a hurry when things got hectic. And then, Han would often return to the cantinas or nightclubs  with Chewie late at night after Jon was in bed. This particular cantina on Tattooine, however, had always prohibited children. That didn't bother Han, though. Now that Jon was ten-years-old, Han had begun to leave him on his own more frequently in order to teach him independence.

"You stay here, Jon," said Han. "I promise Chewie and I won't be long. And when we get back, you better still be in this spot. You got that?"

"Yeah, Dad," said Jon. He watched as Han and Chewie disappeared into the cantina. It was very hot outside. Jon was desperate to find some shade, or at least a place to rest. Before he could, though, an old, battered, red landspeeder pulled up in front of the cantina. Jon instantly recognized it as a T-16 Skyhopper landspeeder. Two humans were in the front seat. One was a young man who appeared to be about eight or nine years older than Jon. He had blond hair and blue eyes. The clothes he wore were all white: White shirt, white pants and white boots. The other human was an older man. He was bearded, and wore a brown cloak. The speeder's back seat was occupied by a pair of droids. One droid was a golden protocol droid. The other was a blue and white astro droid.

"I still don't understand how we got past those troops," said the boy. "I thought we were dead."

"The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded," the old man replied.

The Force? Jon wondered to himself.I thought that didn't exist anymore. My dad said all the Jedi died out a long time ago, when he was a kid, towards the end of the Clone Wars. What's this old man talking about?

"You really think we're going to find a pilot here who will take us to Alderaan?" asked the young man. Jon became very interested by this. Why would two people from a backwater planet such as Tattooine need to go to Alderaan? Jon had never been to Alderaan, but he knew that it was one of the most sophisticated and civilized planets in the Galaxy.

"Well, most of the best freighter pilots are to be found here," said the old man. "Only watch your step. This place can be a little rough."

"I'm ready for anything," the boy replied. He and the old man went into the cantina. The droids followed them.

"Come along, R2," said the protocol droid.

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