Chapter 5: Jon Meets Leia

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Jon made his way though the corridors of the Death Star. After what seemed like no time at all, he found himself in the detention block. The corpses of several Imperial officers littered the floor. Jon also noticed that all the security cameras had been blown to pieces. Clearly, the others (mostly Han, if Jon was honest with himself) didn't want Imperial higher up's learning what had happened here.

Jon continued down the cell block. He passed by a grate that had a hole blasted right through it. A strongly unpleasant odor wafted out of the grate. Jon quickly covered his nose as the stench hit his nostrils.

"Ugh!" he grunted. "Yep. That's definitely the smell of a garbage chute. I'm headed in the right direction." It wasn't long before Jon located hatch thee-two-six-three-eight-two-seven. But to his surprise , the others had already let themselves out.

"Dad! Chewie! Luke!" Jon cried happily. He ran up to them. A young woman was also with them. She appeared to be around the same age as Luke. She had brown hair, with brown eyes to match. Her hair was styled into the shapes of buns, which stuck out from both sides of her head. And she wore a long white dress that went all the way down to her ankles. Chewie hugged Jon. After Luke finished fastening his utility belt around his waist, he smiled kindly at Jon. The boy was glad to see that both Luke and Han had removed the Stormtrooper armor, and were now dressed in their normal clothes.

"Jon, what the Hell are you doing here?!" asked Han. Jon was a bit taken aback by his father's reaction to seeing him. "I gave you orders to stay with the droids. Where are they, anyway?"

"I told R2 and 3-PO to get back to the Falcon," said Jon.

"You came here alone?" asked Han. "Dammit, Jon! What were you thinking?! You could have been captured, or worse, killed."

"Dad, I'm sorry," Jon said meekly.

"Ok. Fine," said Han. "Just don't ever do that again."

"Yes, sir," said Jon. "Are you Princess Leia?" he asked the girl.

"Yes, I am," said Leia. "And you must be the Jon I heard so much about while we were in the trash compactor. Wait a minute." She turned to Han. "He keeps calling you "Dad." He's your son?"

"Yes," said Han.

"So, the Fly-Boy has a Fly-Boy Junior, huh?" asked Leia.

"Don't call me "Junior,"" said Jon. He pointed at Leia in an imitation of one of Han's signature gestures. "My name is Jon. It's short for Jonathan Jacen Solo. Hey, Dad, why is Luke's hair all wet?"

"He took a swim in the garbage," said Han.

"Gross," Jon said with a shudder.

"I should add that it was against my will," said Luke. "I was dragged under the water by some sort of tentacled creature that had only one eye."

"It was a dianoga," said Han.

"Yikes!" exclaimed Jon.

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 1: A New HopeWhere stories live. Discover now