Chapter 3: The Death Star

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"It's too big to be a space station," Han immediately replied.

"Moon, space station. Whatever it is, I suddenly feel very scared," said Jon.

"This ain't nothin' to be scared of, son," said Han. He tried to sound reassuring, but even Han was feeling uneasy about this whole turn of events.

"I have a very bad feeling about this," Luke said nervously. Jon looked at him. What Luke had just said was the perfect way to describe how Jon himself was feeling at this moment. Jon didn't know it at the time, but this seemingly simple phrase would come to be a sort of motto for his life. And he was to hear it time and time again, from various people.

"Turn the ship around," Ben instructed Han.

"Yeah, I think you're right," said Han. "Full reverse! Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power." It was here that Jon expected the Falcon to turn around in the other direction. But that didn't happen. "Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power!" Han repeated. The second time he said this, there was a more urgent tone to his voice.

"Why are we still moving towards it?!" Luke asked, clearly panicked.

"This shouldn't be happening," said Jon. "Dad, why is happening?"

"We're caught in the tractor beam," said Han. "It's pulling us in."

"There's gotta be something you can do!" Luke pleaded.

"There's nothing I can do about it, kid," said Han. "I'm at full power. I'm gonna have to shut down. They're not gonna get me without a fight."

"That's right," said Jon. The Falcon continued to move closer to the space station. Jon was starting to realize that is wasn't quite as small as he first thought it was.

"You can't win," Ben calmly told Han. "But there are alternatives to fighting."

"Like what?" Jon asked curiously. No one answered him. The Falcon entered the docking bay of the space station. Jon would eventually learn that this space station was called the Death Star. And he would come to think of that as a very fitting name for it.

"Dad, when we land, a bunch of Stormtroopers are probably gonna come and board us!" Jon said worriedly.

"I think you might be right about that, Jon," said Han.

"What are we gonna do?" asked Jon.

"I have no idea," Han replied. "But don't you worry, Jon. "I'll think of something."

"I've got it!" Jon suddenly exclaimed. "Dad, the floor!"

"The floor?" Han repeated "What about the floor?"

"Well, the compartments under the floor, I mean," Jon elaborated. "I know you use them for smuggling. But there's nothing in them right now, is there?"

The Jon Solo Chronicles Book 1: A New HopeWhere stories live. Discover now