Hayes Grier

312 7 1

Running Low
Shawn Mendes

Hayes ' POV

Knowing that I had to leave Y/N again after two weeks of seeing her since the last three months of tour, broke my heart to leave her again for another three months. I've come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is break up with her.


Hayes had texted me and said that he was coming over. I jumped to the sound of the doorbell and opened the door to reveal Hayes.

"Hey, baby." I hugged him. His grip was tight around me, before I let him go and inside the house.

We sat down on the couch.

"I need to talk to you about something." He said, breaking the silence and standing up.

I sat up worried with my full attention on him.

"Just know it takes it from me." He started. "But I think we should break up."

"What?" I said while coming to my feet. Tears formed in my eyes.

Hayes' POV

It broke my heart to say that to her. The hurt written all over her face made me want to run and hide from all my troubles.

"I want you to find someone who can give you the time that I can't give to you." I said. My voice cracking with every word.

The memories of our love flooding back to me.

Thinking of all those nights when we would just lay there. Looking into her eyes. I would've never thought I'd have to say goodbye.


"No, Hayes. We can work this out." I cried.

He shook his head.

I then start thinking of all the times I should've called, but just layed next to my phone.

"We just need some time on our own. But I know there is someone out there who will give you all you want and all you need." He said.

He placed his hand under my chin and wiped my tears with thumb. I could here the lump in his throat as he spoke.

"I just want you to see that I never meant to hurt you. You give me something so real, Y/N."

"But Hayes-"

"I'm out of goodbyes, Y/N. I'm running low. I'm sorry but I have to go."

He kissed my cheek. Our teary faces brushing against eachother. Then left out the door leaving me crying, heartbroken, and hurt on the floor.

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