Hayes Grier

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Jar of Hearts
Christina Perri

A year ago
It hurts to hear that the guy you thought was the one is playing you the same way he did his exes.

"You really thought I loved you." That cruel chuckle escaped his lips. "Doesn't it hurt?" He laughs at my pathetic balling.

His blue eyes, once my favorite pair in the world, seemed like they belonged to a strangers now.

He fiddled with the gold watch on his wrist that I had given him for his birthday.

"But I sure did get something out of this relationship." He smirks, "Good sex, too."

"Pack your stuff and leave." He says while my teeth chatter in anger, "I want you gone by tomorrow. It was nice having you. And before you go, wipe your tears off the floor, you're building me up a pool." He says carelessly. "It finna be Noah's ark in here." He laughs at his own joke, walking out the master bedroom door.

I know dang well that is not who I think it is.

"Y/N." Hayes says, going in for a hug that I reject. It puts a frown on his face. "Look, I'm really sorry about the things I've done in the past, but I've realized that I've been in love with you all this time. Would you please take me back."

I was shocked by what I was hearing. Is this boi crazy. After what he put me through.

"Who do you think you are? You left me heartbroken that night. You only used me for what I could give you. You are so coldhearted, Hayes. Don't come back for me because I will never make the mistake of falling in love with you again." And with that, I turned on my wheel and walked away, swaying my hips to show off what I had that he could never get back.

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