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Shit! Carlisle is going to kill Alice! Can't have him do that! Everyone thinks we are mates but we're not. I have her brainwashed into thinking that! What they don't know is not only that I can read minds but I can control minds,erase memories basically anything to do with the mind! I truly did love Bella at one time only cause she looks like my mate that was killed. When I left Carlisle to go by myself I found her. She was beautiful but she worked for the Volturi. We fell in love and it was the best time of my existence. Then she decided she wanted to leave the Volturi and live with me. So they killed her. So I'm planing on getting revenge on the Volturi. So I'm using Alice to see if they are after me. I guess I should tell everyone the truth....maybe they would help me. If they won't then I'll just erase there memories and brainwashe them into helping me! Yes perfect! Carlisle you can't kill them! I said. Why not! Carlisle yelled. Well one they are our family and two Alice is my mate! And Jasper is Bella's mate! If you kill them you kill us! I yelled. Oh who cares! If it wasn't for Alice then Jasper wouldn't be here and Maria wouldn't be after him! And Esme would still be alive! Carlisle yelled. Carlisle! Esme wouldn't want this! Bella yelled. She's right Carlisle! I said. Your right she wouldn't. Carlisle said. Are you done thinking of killing them? I asked. Yes I am. I'm sorry I just over reacted. Carlisle said. It's ok would do the same thing I said. Now we need to have a family meeting. I said. What about Edward? Bella asked. I'll explain when everyone gets here. I said. Oh ok. Bella said. Ok everyone I'm sure yall heard what happened to Esme and everything. I said. Yea it's so sad. Alice cried. Now everyone I need to tell everyone something. But first I want to say that all this happened for a reason and I was angry and miserable. I said. Ok everyone said. Well let me tell you about my gift. I can not only read minds but I can erase memories and can brainwashe people. I said. Why are you telling us this Edward? Alice said. Well the reason I'm telling everyone this is cause I need to confess something. Alice we are not mates. I tricked you to think that. The reason is cause my mate was killed by the Volturi when she tried to leave. So I was using you for your gift so I could see if they where after me. I just want to say I'm sorry. I said. Also Bella the reason I was with you is cause you look just like her. I was so I. Love with her that when I saw you in saw her so I thought I loved you. I am truly sorry. I said. Edward how could you do that to me! Alice yelled. I understand why but all you had to do was tell me the truth. Alice cried. I know I should have. But I was scared. I said. It's ok I forgive you. Alice said. Bella what do you have to say. Well let me ask what was her name? Bella asked. Aria Montgomery. Why? I asked. Cause I have a ancestor that went missing named Aria Montgomery. Bella said. Really! That explains why you look like her! I said. Yea I guess. Bella said. But yes Edward I forgive you. Bella said.

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