Chapter 5

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'Fantastic' I thought to myself as I walked back to my tower, 'I have an enemy already and this is the girl that Jeff had an eye for, I honestly don't want to see him tonight.'

I had done it, I had already made an enemy, a strong one at that.

"Should I apoligise?" I asked myself with a whisper, "No, I won't be the weak one." again  fantastic

"And what am I going to tell Jeff if asks? Hey Jeff you know that chick you already like, well she hates me," I continued on my way to my tower when two figures popped beside me.

"Hey I'm adam," One beckoned

"And I'm harris, we both have the ability to get on anyones nerve at anytime," The other one finished as the other one started again

"We are in tower 1 aswell, we would be happy to escort you back as this school can be a maze when your new," Adam, I assume, exclaimed in a chirpy way

"Well we were at the wrong end of this maze our first day weren't we Adam?" Harris said equally as chirpy, " Why I didnt think we were gonna see our tower again."

"In fact if it weren't for the nice girl, Nat, we would have died before we saw the tower again," Adam replied to Harris," In fact we here you and her already have beef, on your first day really, must be a nasty one you."

"Nat doesn't start shit with anyone, we've seen it first hand when she gets mad, let's just say you will want to say sorry before ya secrets get out."

"Thanks for the advice but I'm fine, so what's the downside to your annoying power?" I asked them trying to leave Nat out of the conversation.

"Well for starters we can't stop," Adam replied instantly.

"Yeah we bloody well find it annoying," Harris added

"I see what you did there Harris, good one,"

" Thanks mate"

"Well we're here," I butted in asI felt like turning into a bear and ripping them to shreds, " Thanks for the company on the walk, will you be coming in?"

"No, our social lifes areto big to stay inside, we got the start of year party to go to," Harris said

"Start of year party?" I asked, confused

"It's to celebrate the start of working for the year, everyone will be there, you should go," Adam said

"Where is it?" I asked curiously

"We will excort you there, it starts in an hour so wear something nice," Harris said rudely, "Cause the shit your wearing now ain't so pretty."

That was the last straw at the risk of making more enemies I sanpped and got the strengeth of a bear, I grabbed them both by the neck and slammed them against the wall of our tower

"Listen here you two, you will want to learn how to control that power soon or I will have you ripped in half," I already regreted showing them one of my powers, it was a weakness if people knew what I could do, I didn't want them to know.

"It's ok we will stop, we just needed to see how much you could take before we trusted you, you will a valuable asset if the war breaks out," Adam said as I let them go

"War?" I asked, these two were full of information

"It's been stirring over the break, certain people have threatened others and by others, I mean us and the others in the group, we need someone like you," Harris said, he sounded serious for the first time this night, "Would you like to join the group?"

"The group?" I asked, they were throwing all this at me it was a shock

"The Group is what  everything that is out of it is scared of it has 10 members if you decide to join; Adam, Me, Jai,Jeff, Cameron, Nat, Kelsey, Brayden, Dana and yourself. The group was decided by the school as the 'highest in command' ," Harris continued his prior sentence

"But as every social hierachy is the 'lesser' important people want to wage war," Adam said

"Except these people aren't lesser, they use to be in the group, they have hated us ever since they were kicked out," Harris said, "So back to the question, would you like to join the group?"

"I'll think about it, I need to get changed, so I'll be back soon," I replied. My first day and I was already in the social hierachy, this was not my day.

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