Chapter 25- The Shock Ending

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We were done, done with Siraya, done with violence, at least that's what everyone else thought, I knew better, much better and it was unfortunate but if I let this person live, the violence would continue I got up from my seating position on the the hill unfortunately I had to do it , I had to kill the person, they had a violent history, wherever they were, violence always followed, and unfortunately I knew all too well that if I didn't do it, Jeff would and he would do it painfully, I owed it to them to at least do it fast and painlessly.

I started walking to the funeral service for Siraya. The school did it out of policy, not out of respect, I was only going to make sure she didn't come back, even though I knew she wouldn't because I killed her, I wasn't taking the risk.

I got to the funeral service and went straight to the casket and looked down, my sword still in her chest where it would stay, forever. And as I I turned around I remembered all the death she had caused and I turned around and looked at her, it was actually funny, seeing her dead. I worked up a massive spit and spat on her dead body then walked off.

I returned to the hill and saw Nat

"Are you trying to avoid me?" She asked

"No, why would I" I replied

"Because it feels like it," She responded but before I could reply she stepped forward and hugged me. I wasn't proud of what I was about to do, but I had. I hugged her back and whispered in her ear as a tear rolled down my cheek

"I'm sorry Nat, I really am."

I plunged a dagger into her heart, she didn't make a sound instead I felt the dampness on her tears on my shoulder, it was enough to know that she was in pain. And as her body let the pressure of life leave it I found myself extremely sad, and one tear turned into two then three until I was actually crying. I went back to room looking back on what had happened over the last two months, I couldn't handle it, I had always had a secret stash for depressing times, but never used it. I gave in to the pressure of what had happened lately, I got one of the 20 bottles of whiskey I had and opened it and I dug down deeper into the stash and found my bag of weed, I got a bit out and lit it. Kelsey and Dana walked in, Kelsey sat down and signalled to give her the bottle and I handed it over.

"Declan what are you doing, why are you so depressed?" Dana asked me

"Even you can not be so blind to see what he had to do, good job by the way, she needed to go, remember that," Kelsey said

"You killed Nat "Dana asked and I nodded my head, " You dick."

"Dana it needed to happen," Kelsey said. Dana let out a grunt and left the room.

"It's ok Declan, I understand,"

"Thanks Kelsey,"

"Want another mouthful?"

I nodded and she handed the bottle over

"Is this how we're going to live now?" She asked, I nodded, "I could get used to this."

And with that it had all ended I would live a peaceful life and I was finally accepting my defeat, life had won.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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