Chapter 6

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"You fuck!" Jeff yelled at me as soon as the door opened, "I thought you weren't going to make enemies, you promised you weren't."

"Well North Korea promised not to test nuclear weapons but they did, don't you have your own life to care about before mine?" I wasn't in the mood for this conversation right now, he was about to get a backhand in the face, " How did your day go?"

"You think you can just change the topic, this is serious, we can't already have people hate us, plus she is in the group," He was getting snarky, " And I don't want to have a bad impression."

I looked at him straight in the eye when I said "Fuck you."

"Are you going to the party Declan?" Jeff asked, " Just try not to make anymore enemies."

"Again, fuck you," I replied to his comment, " Do I have to have a babysitter?"

"Just go to the fucking party," Jeff said

"You coming?"

"I know that I will make enemies so, no, just try not to"

"Kill anyone, make anymore enemies or have animals attack the shcool"

"You know it too well."

"Took you long enough," I had just steppede outside as Adam made his remark, " Now just to avoid any trouble you might want to not slam others against the wall, we're use to it but other people might not appreciate it."

"Note to self, do not allow Declan turn into animal or ragey creature thing," Harris said, I shot him a death glare, "another note to self, avoid makeing jokes or smart remarks about Declan."

"So why is there this party again?" I asked

" To celebrate the new year of course," Adam replied, "and to deistract everyone else from the metting going on between me, harris and the enemy."

"Should we trust him with that?" Harris asked Adam, " Because we're going to have to kill him if we don't."

"We're here," Adam said, "Just go in inside and make friends, try not to aggrivate anyone else and most of all, enjoy your night."

"Thanks, I guess," I replied, "What is this meeting?"

"For us to know and you to never find out, just forget we said anything about a meeting," Adam said, "Have a good night will ya."

"I will have a nice meeting," I replied and headed inside

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