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Bree's Pov
I was in my capsule sleeping. My brothers were in there capsule too. When I'm sleeping I was dreaming about this family. She has brown hair and has Glasses. Her mom had one brown beautiful hair. The mom called her daughter; Mckeyla. Then I saw me. I was hugging her mom. But then I wake up...I walked out of my capsule when I went upstairs to eat some breakfast. When I was eating my breakfast I was just thinking. But then, my father and Tasha came up to me. they asked me, what's wrong Bree?? I told them nothing but then I had this dream. Davenport and Tasha what was the dream?? Then I told them about this family a women an this girl who was my age. If had me in my dream I called her mom. But why , you guys are my family. But then I saw my dads face he looked worried. I just ignored it. I just walked away with my thought. I think my father was just had a scared thought. But I kept walking to the elevator. When I got down the lab. I just walked to my capsule and I was thinking about that family. Is Davenport just lying to me or lying to my brothers too. Are we just kids he stole from a family or what?? I want to know?? Who are they?? I guess the women was my mom because I called her mom in the dream. But then I heard something, I opened my eyes and I saw my little brother Chase at my capsule door. He asked me what's wrong but I just walked away from him by not saying a word. He looked confused. But I used my super speed to run away. I was just walking on a path. But I see some people walking up to me. They looked like my age. But then I saw her..

Hope you like it??


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