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Bree's POV
They said I was this spy place for girls. This women you says she is my mother said to me she needed my help. "What kind of help?" I was thinking in my head.. she walked in again, "so.. sweetheart!? We need you help on one of our top secret missions. With your bionics and my agents we can defeat, the enemy.. if you say yes.. we are not gonna focus you but we need you help." She explained that to me, there is a big mission she needs me in. "Why did you have to kidnap me? You could of ask your something?" I said to the lady. She looked at me, "well.. you probably wouldn't come anyways." The women said, "will you do it!" She looked at me. "Explain one thing then?" I asked. "Anything what?" She said. "Why did you say your my mother.. I have a family." I said back to her. "Um.. when you were born, you were stolen from us and when we finally found you. We heard about the three bionics who saved the world.. and sweetie we been looking for you everywhere. I starred at her.

"Okay..I will do it."

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