catty cat cat cat!

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It was a normal day for our hero-"Wow you're really going to start the story like this?" Deadpool, the great and handsome, asked.
Well how would YOU like me to start it?
"I don't know, how about, the brave and heroic hero of our story was carrying on with his life, unaware that his whole world would turn a little more feral!
...You see what I did there?" Deadpool asked.
*roll of the eyes*
Yes I see what you did! Now can we please get back to the story?
"Fine, but you're no fun! I've had better writers you know! I could be in a different story right now! People worship me now! Ever since that guy, Ryan Renalds I think it was, played me in MY know I'm still waiting for my cut of the profit! Anyway let's get back to the story! "
Ahem! Were was I?
"I don't was a normal day blah blah, I stopped listening after that, there wasn't a mention of me for a good ten seconds so I lost interest"
Oh yes, it was a normal day for our hero, a normal day of chopping of limbs and making relevant pop culture references.
Our brave and handsome hero had just finished sawing off on of the truly evil bad guys limbs when we meet him.
"Take that you mummy fluffy! Wait, wait, wait, pause for a second! Why can't I flipping swear?"
Sorry but I don't really like swearing so...also it's funny to see how you deal with not being able to swear!
"You know you're the real villan here! How can I do justice to my adoring fans if I can't fluffing swear!"
Ok, ok but only One swear!
"Yes! Ok *deep breath!* (sorry this has been deleted on a count of that it's inappropriate!)"
"Wait! That's not fair! Why can't they see it?"
Ah, I said you could swear, I didn't how ever say they could see it!
"That's cheating!"
No it's not!
"Oh yes it is you big meany!"
Fine!  You can swear but only if this storys readers say so!
"Ok, attention all readers! It's your friendly naeborhood spi-Wait! Wrong hero! Please say that I can swear because if you don't I will find you and I will kill you! Also I don't think I can last another minute with out fluffing swearing! "
You know they won't do it!
"What ever!"

warrior's deadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ