Stuff 2

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As Ashpaw and Darkpaw ran ahead to camp Swiftpaw lazily dragged behind.
"Why so sad?" Meowed Leopardpaw, falling behind to Swiftpaw.
"It's just, I've been training longer and harder than any of them! So why can't I be as good as them?" Swiftpaw meowed looking down at his paws in dismay
"Because that's not who you are! You're Swiftpaw, the fastest cat to ever grace the forest! " Leopardpaw laughed before pawing at Swiftpaw's ear.
Swiftpaw smiled and looked up at Leopardpaw's joking face.
"Well you better use that swiftness now, you're falling behind!"  Called Brightstar who was coming back from a hunting patrol along with Firepelt, Fireclaw and his apprentice Smallpaw.
"Who caught that rabbit? It's bigger than my head!" Exclaimed Leopardpaw, Smallpaw bowed his head as he passed and Fireclaw couldn't help but beam with joy at his apprentices work.
As Swiftpaw and Leopardpaw followed the hunting petrol back into camp, Ashstar, Icestar, Spiderstar and Lionstar called all clanmates together.
"All Cat's old enough to catch their own prey please come and lisen, we have found a rouge on our territory
And he is being ambushed in the caves soon, we need a patrol to ambush him. It is risky but it WILL pay off, he has taken two of our kits, Shadowkit and Lionkit while they were sleeping." Explains Spiderstar.
"We have already chosen Brightstar to go with you!" Ends Lionstar.
Silence falls as cats anxiously look around at each other.
"I'll go, just let me select the other cats" Brambelclaw finally meows, breaking the silence.
Spiderstar,  Lionstar, Icestar and Ashstar all dip their heads as Brightstar jumps down from high tree to sit with Brambelclaw.
"We'll need someone cunning and fast, Fireclaw you will come! We'll also need someone good at sneaking up in the dark, Batwing you're with us as well. Is it ok to bring apprentices?" Meows Brambelclaw to Brightstar.
As long as I can bring one cat with us." Meows Brightstar back, with a slight flick of his tail a strong looking brown tom with unusual white eyes pushed pass other cats before standing next to Brightstar.
"Ok, Swiftpaw we'll need you for your speed, apparently you're the fastest cat this side of the forest. Leopardpaw you'll come to, apparently you're wild in battel and pretty strong, we'll need that. Darkpaw and Ashpaw, you both can easily learn the pattern of moved let's go!" Exclaims Brambelclaw as he leads the patrol away from camp and towards the caves to ambush the rouge.

When the raven's heart has been broken and the pumpkin born of fire and frost is cut,when the holly has grown and the claws of a snake are beared , a second prophecy will be enacted and cause hearts to fight, the clan will be destroyed, only a stripe of sun will be able to rebuild the world with her life.

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