2. Resentment

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The sound of music and people talking bounced all over the walls of The GazettE's lead guitarist's apartment. He made a huge party, inviting all of his musician friends and colleagues.

The whole building shook with the rhythm of the music. His neighbors probably won't be able to sleep at all, but meh, a party once in a while won't kill them.

Uruha was currently going through his wine cabinet, looking for more alcohol for his guests with a goofy drunk smile on his face. While a drunken Aoi was trying to steal a kiss from Ruki; who was cornered in the modern black sofa, pushing away his boyfriend from him yelling:

"Don't kiss me now idiot! You reek of alcohol! "

Meanwhile, Kai was outside in the apartment's balcony, breathing fresh air. He had excused himself, taking his barely touched drink with him; being surrounded by so many people these days, even though he was famous, drained him both physical and emotionally.

He gazed at the beautiful starry night sky, although at the distance, he could see some big dark clouds, slowly covering the stars.

A storm was coming, and a big one.

He took a sip of his drink and sighed. These past weeks have been very stressful and exhausting. He was going inside again, when something below on the parking lot caught his eye.

He peeked over the balcony glass fence and spotted a blonde head moving in between the cars. The person began to babble something, before tripping with the sidewalk, landing on his face. Ouch...

Hmm? Oh! Could it be...!?

After looking more carefully he noticed that that drunken head was no other than his band mate Reita.

He already got that drunk? Geez...

The bassist rolled on his back and sat on the sidewalk, giving another big gulp to his bottle of beer.

He really is a mess... I should help him...

The bassist just sat there, with his head crestfallen between his legs.

Talking about Reita, he started to act really weird some time ago. He began to ignore most of his calls, talked only the necessary for work and stopped inviting him to his home. When they used to hang out a lot, grab some drinks after work and sometimes play some videogames at Reita's house.

But somehow that stopped; this was one of the reasons of his stress. He had passed many sleepless nights wondering if he had done something to upset his friend. Every time he talked to him about this, Reita dismissed it with a vague reply: "I have? Oh, well I haven't noticed. Sorry I guess..."

He frowned and shook his head.

This was not the time to be thinking about that. Reita was drunk and needed a friend to take care of him.

He went inside and down the stairs as fast as he could; the elevator was currently out of service unfortunately. In that estate the bassist could hurt himself pretty badly.

When he reached the last floor he rushed into the apartment's parking lot and headed over to where he saw Reita from the balcony. And there he was, (he had not moved an inch) under a street lamp, with some empty bottles of beer scattered around him.

Kai would have made a joke out of this, telling him something like:
"Hey Reita! You look like the typical drunk dude who's girlfriend just broke up with him!" before laughing.

But he didn't, because the scene before his eyes was too much.

He had never seen Reita like this; so sad, so lost, so heartbroken, so weak, so... miserable.

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