3. You Were the One

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Hey everyone!

Before you start reading, I need you to think on your all time favorite GazettE OTP :D

You have their image on your mind? Yeah? Cool, now you can start the story.



Although it was brief, I was happy with you.

Sometimes, when I'm walking aimlessly down this infinite and lonely darkness, I can see your bright silhouette at the distance.

Immediately, a mix of feelings full of nostalgia overwhelms me and I run as fast as I can to you before you disappear. When I'm a few steps behind you, I stop.

I carefully lay a hand on your shoulder to call your attention, you turn around. In this small instant, everything moves in slow-motion. My heart beats harder at each second and the air is snatched away from my lungs.

I look at your face, illuminated by your beautiful smile and I ask myself, do you remember? The day we met.
I wish I could just forget it all, but now it's impossible, because I love you.

It hurts to have left you, to don't be able to take care of you, nor be there when you need a shoulder to cry on.
Forgive me, in the end, I couldn't keep on with my promise...

With sorrow, I remember the day that changed it all.

If only we hadn't had that terrible accident!
If only I had been more careful!
If only- !


It comes to my mind that moment, which has been tormenting me at every second of my life; it's repeated over and over again until it overwhelms me.

After regaining consciousness, I feel an enormous pain over all my body, but I ignore it, because you are my priority.

Where are you?! How are you?! Are you hurt anywhere?!

I turn my head to look at you and because of the big bloodstain I see on the window I immediately know that your head collided with it. Full of fear, I bring my hand to yours with difficulty and I give it a small squeeze with the little strength I had.

I see, with great relief, how you slowly turn your head to look at me, but with a pained expression drawn on your face. Blood slowly trickled down your forehead and down your neck, drenching your clothes with a deep crimson red.

With a sad expression you flip your hand and intertwine your fingers with mine. I feel my strength leaving me, so with desperation and tears falling down my face I tell you:

–I love you, I love you, I love you!

But the words get stuck I my throat. Your beautiful eyes, filled with tears, look at me with sadness and with a hoarsely but firm voice you tell me in a whisper: "I love you" and you show me the most beautiful (yet saddest) smile I've ever seen, before the darkness consumed me.


As always, I keep waiting for you.
After reviving the tragedy, I open my eyes and you're always here, standing in front of me.

I feel the enormous need to hug you, to have you in my arms and perceive your fragrance. But I abruptly stop when I see that now, your smile is withered. And it hurts me deeply, to see you like that because of my fault.

Full of resentment and shame, I shut my eyes and turn my head to the side so I can't see your face; I clench my hands into fists and bite my lower lip hard.

Because of me! All this has been my fault!


Slowly, I open my eyes and the sunlight that filters through the half closed curtains, along with the cold breeze of the morning, caress my face.

I touch my cheeks with my fingertips and I feel them wet, I realize that I had been crying.



...Now I remember...

I close my eyes tightly and cover my face with my hands. Once again, my eyes get wet again and I cry bitterly, with the feeling of your memory haunting my mind.

The reality hits me, and hard.
My heart grieves and slowly drowns in the pain.

As I recall, like every morning that you were the one...

...who died..


Okay, first of all:

I'M SO SORRY YA'LL FOR MAKING YOU KILL YOUR OTP, but that was the purpose of the story (please don't hate me) XD

Second thing: Thank you for reading! 

Comments and suggestions are always welcome! <3

̶ Chofi (•ө•)

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