4. Possess Me

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Finally, guys!! It. is. heeere~ \(^0^)/
Please enjoy ;D


"Let's see... Candles, check; some herbs, check; white chalk, check..."

Around him, the only light that illuminated his dark bedroom was the fire of the candles and the light of the full moon that entered through his closed window.

Tonight, Kouyou was going to try something he never thought he would ever do: Summon an Incubus.

Everything began some days before, when he received out of the blue an anonymous e-mail that had nothing on it but a document attached called "Ritual.docx" and a message: " If you're bored ;) "

Even though he felt that it was stupid and that he should just delete it, his curiosity won and he opened the document. It had the steps to summon something.

Intrigued by it, he decided to research more about this on the Internet. They all said the same, it was a ritual to summon an incubus. After looking at various pages he came to a conclusion: whoever wrote it, clearly had a lot of free time.

He had never believed in any paranormal stuff, but he had to admit that he was curious, very curious to see if it really worked. Especially because he was horny and wanted to get laid.

So here he was, in front of a pentagram made out of chalk, surrounded by black candles and all of the other requirements the paper he had printed out said.

He inhaled deeply, did what the letter specified step by step and read aloud the enchantment. He pronounced the name of the incubus and waited. His heart beat increased and his eyes looked everywhere for something to move or happen.

But nothing did.

He let out the air he had unconsciously retained in his lungs and he felt embarrassed about himself.

A small laugh escaped from his lips, how could he had believed that such a foolish thing would work? Disappointed, he crumbled the paper and threw it to the nearest trash can.

He began to pick everything up, blowing the candles first for safety and opening the window. He went for a broom to pick up the chalk, but when he returned to his room, he saw the fire on the candles flicker.

Hmm? Weird... I thought I had blew the fire...

He shrugged off that thought and went over to put out the fire; he cleaned up and put everything in order. He yawned.

-Ughhh, I'm tired of all this paranormal stuff. I'm going to bed...

He didn't even bother changing his clothes, which consisted of a tank top and a boxer. He plumped into his bed and before he knew it, he was sleeping.

~ † ~

In his dream, he was having sex. Not just any kind of sex, but the most hot, steamy and messy he'd ever had. He couldn't see the face of the person who was penetrating him, but that was one of his last worries. All his head could think about was on the pleasure he felt.

When he was about to reach an orgasm, he woke up with a suffocating sensation. He was confused, but also still excited. The first thing he noticed was that he was on his left side, facing the window. He looked down to his body and saw that his right leg was raised while his body was being pushed.

His boxer was nowhere to be seen and his tank top was raised up to his hard nipples.

Kouyou got scared because he could not move or scream, his whole body was paralyzed. But the worst thing of all, was that he felt that something or someone was pushing deeply inside him. He was breathing quickly, sweat covering his body.

He looked over at the end of the bed and felt as if a dark, thick cloud was over him. Slowly the cloud faded and what Kouyou saw left him speechless.

He saw the most attractive man he had ever seen: his black-as-coal wavy hair came to his shoulders; lips that had a very sexy and defined cupid's bow (which smirked evilly at him); and very defined body with a must-drool-over-them six pack. Kouyou also noticed that his dark orbs had some red and violet gleaming around the black.

Pushing harder into him, he held Kouyou's right leg with a toned arm while looking directly into his eyes.

Suddenly the man disappeared and his leg felt. He tried to move but he couldn't, he tried to calm down himself breathing slowly. Just when he thought everything was over, his body was turned around, leaving him face down.

He felt his buttocks being open abruptly and before he could realize what was happening, something cold and hard was pushed inside him. First slowly, but then the rhythm intensified. He needed to open his mouth to breath better.

He was able to mutter some sounds, which were nothing but moan. Soon enough, the fear turned into pleasure.

Kouyou felt a warm breathing on his neck, he lowered his eyes and saw the entity. It smiled deviously, got closer to his ear and whispered seductively: "You are absolutely delicious~" before licking his lips.

His voice is pure heaven, Kouyou thought. Even though it had something in it that made it obvious that he wasn't human, it was so deep and manly that Kouyou almost felt himself cum when he heard it.

The entity rammed into him harder and faster; when Kouyou couldn't hold it any longer, he had the most pleasurable orgasm he'd ever had. It pushed one last time and Kouyou felt something hot being released inside him.

As soon as the incubus pulled out, he was able to move and speak again. But he felt so exhausted, he couldn't think of anything. He immediately felt asleep.

The next morning, he woke up with his whole body sore, especially his ass, it hurt like hell. He pulled over his laptop and after searching on the internet, he discovered that many people had also been through experiences similar to his.

After clicking here and there, he came across a page that said how to summon an incubus to have sex and get a favor done in exchange.

Since then, Kouyou began to summon that particular entity to get favors done. Although the "favors" were only an excuse he used in order to see the incubus, who seemed to have also grown a particular interest in Kouyou.

~ † ~


He said out loud and smiled when he saw the incubus slowly appear in the center of the pentagram. The incubus by the name of Aoi greeted him back with a smirk.

What "favor" do you need this time? Kouyou~



Thanks for reading and I hope you've enjoyed this sexy Aoiha ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


̶ Chofi (•ө•)♡

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2017 ⏰

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