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Lily sat in the great hall watching her brother James talk with all of his friends. How could he make friends so easily? She asked herself for the hundredth time. "Hey Lil!" Rose Granger-Weasley, her cousin, said smiling at her.

Her smile vanished when she saw that her cousin was sitting all alone. She glanced back at her friends but decided to sit with Lily.

"Why are you sitting all alone?" She asked.
"'Cause I have no friends! That's why." Lily sighed.

She looked over at the Slytherin table to where her brother, Albus, sat talking happily to his best friend Scorpius.

"What's wrong Lily you seem mad." Rose questioned.

Lily decided to change the subject. She dropped her gaze back to her plate still full of food.

"What is going on between you and Malfoy over there." She smirked. Rose cheeks grew red. "Don't change the subject!" was her answer. "I was merely trying to make comfortable conversation." Lily said fighting back a laugh. "Comfortable for YOU!" Rose snapped.

Lily couldn't help it she burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?" Rose demanded.
"Nothing." Lily answered stifling a grin.

Rose glared at her and checked her watch.
"Crap I gotta go to muggle studies, see ya later lil!" She said grabbing her back. She ran out the great Hall with the rest of the 4th years.

Lily sighed. "There goes the only person in the world who talks to me." She mumbled.

Everyone was so caught up with her brother being in Slytherin everyone forgot that he had a sister. They call her a liar when she tells them she is a Potter.

Lily pushed her plate away and got up. Lily had a free period right after lunch so she walked up to the common room and grabbed the book she had been reading and she read until the next class.
I'm sorry the chapters are so short they will get longer as the story progresses comment what you think so far!
*~ Amanda ~*

The story of Lily LunaWhere stories live. Discover now