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"Lily can you tell me the answer?" Professor Longbottom asked.

Lily looked up not paying attention. She looked around to see everyone laughing at her. She glanced at the professor trying to get him to repeat the question. Finally he took pity on her. "Zabini why don't you answer?" He turned to Zack Zabini and looked at him expectantly.

Zack murmured the answer.
"That's right!" Professor Longbottom said gladly.

Zack rolled his eyes. He looked at Lily and smiled. Lily quickly looked away. Professor Longbottom dismissed the class and they all got up to leave. In the hallway Zack walked up to Lily.

"I would start paying attention in class if I where you." He stated. Lily looked at him.
"I don't know what you mean Zabini." She lied.
Lily tried to turn around and walk away but Zack grabbed her hand.

"What was the question Professor Longbottom asked In class today?" Zack asked. Lily stared at him then looked down embarrassed

"I don't know." Lily said still looking at the floor.

Zack laughed and walked away. Lily watched him go and sighed and shook her head. She turned around and saw Rose watching her.

"How long have you been there?" She asked her. She could feel heat rising from her cheeks.
Rose smiled. "The whole time." She said grinning.Lily looked at her nervously. Rose just smiled at her.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" She asked. Rose shrugged. "No reason." She said and walked away.

Lily followed her to the common room. Trying to find something to get her back. They stopped at the common room when Lily found out a way to get her back she grinned at her self and went to the third year dorm. She sighed and flopped down on her bed.

"Hey Lily." Sarah Thomas said. Lily ignored her. "I said hey Lily!" Sarah yelled. Lily looked at her.

Sarah is the "miss popular" of Gryffindor. And she did not have time to deal with her rumors. Lily got up and walked down to the common room.

She saw Rose sitting in the love seat reading a book. "Hey Rose!" Lily said smirking.
Rose looked up from her book and stared at her suspiciously.

"Hey Lil." She said slowly. "What's going on?"
"Oh nothing just that if you spread rumors about me and Zack you and Scorpius' relationship will not be a secret." Lily said smiling sweetly. Rose glared at her. "You-Wouldn't-dare!" She said angrily.

"Oh I would so if I where you I would keep my mouth shut!" Lily said then walked out the door.

When she heard the door close behind her Lily smirked. Threatening people was fun! She should be a Slytherin with her brother and Scorpius.

"Lily!" A person shouted from behind her.
"Zabini?" Lily asked. "What are you doing up here? Shouldn't you be in the slytherin common room?"

The story of Lily LunaWhere stories live. Discover now