Chapter 3: Double Date

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A/N This chapter takes place a week after Chapter 2


Lord help me. Tonight's my first date with Austin.

I wanted to decline. I really did.

But then I remembered Miles. I need to do this to forget about him.

I don't try hard to look good so I just throw my hair up into a messy bun and put on on some jeans and a sweater. I don't wear any makeup either.

Before I know it Austin's at the door and ready to go.

"Hey beautiful." He says winking.

I can make it through this.

"Hey." I say back.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks walking out the door with me behind him.

"Yeah, where are we going?" I ask as I get into his car.

"We're going to that Chinese place right across from Keaton. I hope you don't mind but I invited Julie and Miles to come along with us." He replies, starting the car.

WHAT. Oh no. This is real bad. Wait, why is it bad? This will just prove again to Miles that I'm over him, right? Right...

"Oh no, that's totally fine. I think this will be fun." I say smiling.

In about ten minutes we get to the restaurant.

Miles and Julie are already there with their fingers laced together.

I take a deep breath.

"Hey guys!" Austin greets them.

They both look over, but only Julie smiles. Does Miles still hate me? Probably.

We both sit down with me sitting across from Miles.

"So, you guys have been together a week? You're so cute together!" Julie beams.

"Yeah." Miles nods.

"Yep. I just asked her out last Monday, and I now I feel like the luckiest man in the world." Austin says as he wraps his arm around me.

I tense up at first, but force myself to relax. I fake a smile.

"I feel like the luckiest girl in the world." I say as I look at him.

"Awwwwwww. I can't handle how cute you are. I wish Miles would say that kind of stuff to me." She says.

Miles looks very uncomfortable now.

"Sorry." He mumbles.

"Hey look, the game's on." Austin says looking at the TV in front of us.

"Ooh yay!" Julie squeals.

I don't really care much about sports so I just eat my food and drink my water looking at the table. I glance up a couple of times and notice Miles is doing the same.

We end up glancing at each other at the same time, and I smile.

I wish things could be different.

After about another 30 minutes we decide it's time to leave. Finally.

"Bye you guys! See you at school tomorrow!" Julie says as her and Miles walk to his car.

"Bye!" Austin says back.

Once we get into the car he starts talking to me again.

"I had fun. That Julie girl really knows what she's talking about when it comes to football." He says laughing.

"Yeah. Great." I say bitterly.

"I mean, wow. I had a blast talking to her. We really should go on more double dates with them." He says.

Or you could start going on dates with HER.

"I'm glad you had fun." I say sarcastically.

Of course, he's too dumb to notice.

"Thanks babe." He replies.

We finally arrive at my house. I can't get out of the seat sooner.

"Bye." I say quickly, and then turn around.

He drives off and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Wow, that was horrible.

The only reason I went on this date with him was to get my mind off Miles. Instead, the total opposite happened.

I've really got it bad. Again.

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