3. The Feels

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Huey had on his 50x magnified goggles and he used tweezers to form the chain back to its original state.

He was calm in his construction. Easily passing each loop and then tweezing them close.

"Almost...there." He mumbled to himself as he almost closed a loop on the chain.


His arm jerked, unraveling the chain once again. With a strained growl his clenched his fists.

Then took a deep breath as he took off his goggles.

He knew who called him. His Grandfather.

As he went downstairs he could already hear the tv on.

That means one of two things.

Granddad is watching BET or Riley is watching BET.

"Imma need you to go to tha store tomorrow. We out of orange juice." Granddad tells as he closes the refrigerator.

Huey sighed, "That's what you called me down here for?"

"Don't get no attitude with me boy! I'll whoop ya ass real quick!" Granddad scowled, opening a can of Coca Cola.

"Granddad. You might as well drink a can of household cleaner if you gonna drink that soda." Huey warned his Grandfather who ignored him and began to chug.

Huey shook his head walking down the hallway.

I just need a break

He was about to return to his broken necklace that awaited him in his room. Suddenly, something urged him to take a normal stroll as he usually does.

And He did.

Walking outside he felt the warm sun on his skin. Slowly he took out his earphones.

Sticking them in his ear.

My God To Thee

Slowly he breathed in the different symphonies echoing in his brain. Making his spine tingle in euphoria.

He began walking, listening to the beautiful song. Upon his trail, he stumbled upon a large hill. That stood on his left. With just a random Oak tree ontop.

It was simple.

Yet beautiful.

Slowly he nudged himself to go up there and check it out. Seeing if it can look over the city.

As his legs traveled up the incline he already noticed someone there.

Oh. That girl.

She did it notice him because she too had on earphones. The way her body was moving would suggest she was dancing.

Huey crossed his arms as he examined her from behind. Yeah. She was dancing alright.

Though it wasn't cheerleading. It was a lyrical style almost. It captured his attention because she was actually graceful. Not like that stuff she performs at cheer practice. It was different and she was good.

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