19. Spies

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Caesar was walking with Riley in the hallways of school.

"So then I asked myself...I'm a good guy. I'm funny. I'm spontaneous-" Caesar began.

"Yup." Riley nonchalantly agreed as he reached his locker.

"Why don't girls dig me? My game is trash...now see? That's game." Caesar pointed at Huey walking down the hall and girls practically drooling where he went. Riley took a glance and rolled his eyes.

"Nobody like that gay ass hater." Riley scoffed as he slammed his locker a bit too hard.

"Eh. I don't know about that. Jazmine seems to like him a lot." Caesar sarcastically added making Riley groan.

"Why do I hang out wit chu anyways?!" Riley snapped swinging his backpack over his shoulder and storming away.

Caesar made an uneasy face as he saw Riley leave in a fit. "Sorry man! I usually don't even know what I say half the time!"

As Caesar saw Riley disappear in the distance, he felt a tap on his shoulder. The dread boy sighed as he turned around.

"Hey there." Wes said with a menacing smirk.

Caesar gulped as he let out a small wave. "Oh...ha...top of the mornin' ."

Wes quickly pulled Caesar by his ear into the nearest hallway.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Caesar repeatedly mumbled as he was being dragged by Wes.

They reached a private area and Wes again held Caesar by his collar.

"Hey man. Doesn't this seem like Deja Vu to you?" Caesar joked.

"Shut up." Wes mumbled

"Okay okay." Caesar quickly responded, a bit fearful.

"You owe me a pair of Nikes Jamaican boy. Remember?."


"Whoa dude!" Caesar shouted finally meeting face to face with a light skinned guy with an angry face. "Watch where you goin!" The boy shouted.

It was Wes. He had just come from enrolling himself in the school. Though when he ran into Caesar he had spilt the soda he had all over his white Nike air forces.

"Hey man! You ran into-" Caesar began, but Wes interrupted him by slamming him into the lockers.

"You owe me a new pair of Nikes." Wes growled. Still holding him up by his collar.

"Geez. Calm down man. I don't have money for your stupid shoes." Caesar claimed, shrugging his shoulders. Wes clicked his tongue.

"Tough titties. If you ain't gonna pay for em. Then you gonna steal another pair fa me." The green eyed boy said.

Caesar shook his head. "No way man! I'm not stealing for you-"

Wes interrupted him again by banging his back again on the locker.

"Never mind dude. Whatever you want. I got you." Caesar laughed nervously out of fear.

Wes nodded. "That's what I like to hear." Wes finally let go of Caesar who began to catch his breath.

"Meet me at the mall tomorrow at eight. If you don't show. Imma find you." Wes stated walking away.

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