Hand In Hand

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Music plays

as she walks in

It's a slow song

and she sees

her man

He smiles

and holds out his hand

She takes it in hers

and they dance

She looks into his eyes

and she starts to cry

They stop dancing

as they walk to the car

hand in hand

He asks her

"What's wrong?"

And the truth unfolds

"I've cheated

even though I'm in love

I've cried enough

I love you

but I feel like you

don't love me"

Time froze

and he


Her beautiful smile

Her laugh

and the sound

of her voice

and as time unfroze

he took her hand

he said

"I love you"

She smiles

and holds out her hand

He takes it in his

and they cry

He says

"Come on,

let's have one last dance"

They dance

and they smile

She asks

"Will you stay?"

He says


and she replies



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