Part II: "Nathea"

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I followed after her. Still I can't believe what just happened. She was about to go after the Creature to get a strand of Jeera when she so obviously had so much string, which she was being very flippant about.

She ran to Muriel's, hammered on her door, which I really did not see the point of, because she ran in before Muriel could open her mouth. I followed after. The door clanged shut behind me.

"Muriel!", she said, "Please grant me permission to embark to the Whipping Willow"

Muriel took one look at her and spun around to me,

"What have you been feeding to this poor girl?"

"The truth", I replied.

"Really", Muriel said, casting aside her work to stand up and put her hands on her hips. It didn't really look like a look of defiance because the old hag wore so many shawls it only made her seem to have grown fatter.

"Yes ma'm", the girl cut in, "I would like to go" 

Muriel eyed her suspiciously, and I would've too, if I had not known just how crazy this girl was. Muriel looked at me,

"I think you're right about her having the Silver" I snorted back a laugh. The girl looked absolutly angry,

"There is nothing wrong with me! I want to go!"

"Now child", Muriel said, indeed inspecting her closer, "You are acting like a child", Muriel cut in before she could object, "I would like to know your name first" 

She blushed.  Muriel looked at her, then at me. Then, seemingly understanding something I could not, she pointed at me with a waggling finger,


My jaw dropped. 

Seriously, was I not allowed to know her name? Its just a name! We all have one! There's nothing to be ashamed of. Unless its "Naergluff". I added to myself. Even more amazingly, the girl was looking approving of what Muriel had just commanded. I was gonna get kicked out.

I seriously couldn't believe this.

"I won't tell anyone"


So I accepted it. Pointing my finger at the girl I said,

"I'm making up a name for you then" and I left the room with a slam.

Of course, I did not leave it at that. I stuck my ear at the wall of the house, attempting to eavesdrop. Unfortunatly, Muriel foresaw this possibility and scared the pants off me by sneaking out of the hut and cracking an egg on my head.

Sam found me muttering under my breath, dipping my head into the well, attempting to rid myself of the prank. He laughed,

"You always seem to get into this type of trouble huh?"

"Yep", I muttered, continuing nicknames for her starting with "Muriel's Pet", "Evil Stare", and "Grumpy Legs". After explaining to Sam I was trying to come up with a name for her, he dutifully rattled off a long list he had used for his older sister.

"Why would she want to hide her name?", Sam asked after suggesting "scared kitty" and being deemed too cute right afterwards.

I shrugged, "How about 'Naergluff'. She can now match her hero"

Sam cracked a smile, "Let's give her a real name first then figure out the petty nicknames afterwards?"

"Good idea"

It took another long discussion before deciding on "Nathea". 

I made a satisfied grunt, "It starts with 'N' like that 'Naergluff'"

Sam laughed. We walked towards Muriel's house, debating which nickname, either "Two faced Moth" or "Muriel's Pet". I walked up to the door and knocked on it twice,

"Nathea", I called. Muriel's face peered out of a crack in the door,

"Who's Nathea?", she cackled.

"Her", Sam said opening the door and pointing at the girl. She was sitting on a stone chair, her eyes looking slightly pink. 

"What?", she said, trying to sound demanding but her voice cracking. 

"We've decided", I replyed smoothly, "to name you Nathea"

"Since you're not telling us your name", Sam added quickly with a grin.

Nathea looked taken aback, but not mad, really. Then for the first time in my sad sad life, she smiled at me, sorta. 


"And she's going", Muriel huffed. Momentarily forgetting Muriel was standing there, I started.


"Yes, to the Whipping Willow"

"Whoa whoa whoa", I put my hands up, "Hold up, what?"

"I'm going", Nathea supplied, "to the Whipping Willow and you're taking me"

My jaw dropped, "When did you decide that and why am I being dragged into-"

"Just now", Muriel nodded, "You're leaving in three days, so you better help her prepare"

Why was I always pushed into these things?

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